1999 VMD Survey Data

  1. E-mail address:
    Total Responses: 450

  2. Affiliation:
    Academic: 369
    Industrial: 29
    Government: 21
    Other: 21
    Total responses: 440

  3. The work I do with VMD is funded (at least partially) by NIH:
    81 of 428 responses

  4. I am currently using VMD on:
    AIX: 11
    HP-UX: 21
    IRIX: 210
    Linux: 249
    Solaris: 29

  5. I would also like to use VMD on:
    Windows 9x: 155
    Windows NT: 101
    Macintosh: 67
    Digital Unix: 52

  6. I use VMD primarily for:
    Total responses:428

  7. The number of people using VMD at my site is:
           1: 228
         2-4: 160
        5-10: 27
       11-20: 9
       >= 21: 6
       Total responses: 424

  8. I use VMD because it
    Mean ResponseTotal Responses
    a) meets my needs
    3.75845 414
    b) is free
    4.51674 418
    c) is user friendly
    3.67718 412
    d) is better than other molecular
    graphics programs
    3.54814 405

  9. Rate the usefulness of VMD PLANNED features to your work:
    Mean ResponseTotal Responses
    a) Interacting with running MD simulations
    3.41854 399
    b) On-the-fly recalculation of bonds
    3.25000 392
    c) Crystallographic symmetry operations
    2.83870 403
    d) Inter-molecule selections
    3.71139 395
    e) Additional scripting support (e.g. Python)
    3.12839 405
    f) Display of isosurfaces, density fields
    3.91000 400
    g) Texture maps on molecular structures
    3.48101 395

  10. Check the box that best reflects your level of agreement with the statements describing VMD:
    Mean ResponseTotal Responses
    a) VMD developers respond to my requests
    3.44637 345
    b) VMD support meets my expectations
    3.49137 348
    c) VMD web pages are instructive
    3.78666 375
    d) VMD documentation is clear
    3.70466 386
    e) VMD documentation is complete
    3.52506 379
    f) The VMD-L mailing list is useful
    3.25460 326

  11. I would benefit from using VMD with the following tools in my work:
    Quanta: 55
    Insight: 85
    Gauss-View: 44
    Spartan: 39
    Xmol: 52
    Molden: 47
    Amber: 118
    Charmm: 111
    NAMD: 72
    XPLOR: 94

  12. I am satisfied with VMD
    Mean ResponseTotal Responses
    3.83618 409

  13. I first heard of VMD from:
    Friends: 113
    Publications: 22
    Web Announcements: 226
    Professional Meetings: 5
    Other: 59
    Total responses: 425

  14. I would prefer to be informed of VMD news by:
    Total Responses:418