#VMD --- start of VMD description block #Name: # Trajectory path #Synopsis: # Draws the path of the center of mass of a selection through an animation #Version: # 1.4 #Uses VMD version: # 1.8 #Ease of use: # 2 #Procedures: #
  • trajectory_path selection {color blue} {linewidth 1} {update 0} # -- follows the center of mass of the given selection. # 'color' is a solid color, or "scale" for a color scale, # 'update' toggles calling "$selection update", and 'linewidth' is # the width of the line drawn. #Description: # For each step in the animation, the center of mass of the selection is # calculated. A line connecting the successive center of mass coordinates # is then added to the molecule id of the selection. # The color is a solid color (default is blue) or they are mapped to the # color scale from lowest (= first trajectory frame) to highest (= last # trajectory frame). # The third argument decides (0 = no, 1 = yes) whether the selection # is updated during the course of following the C.O.M. (default is no). # The fourth argument allows to specify the width of the line (default 1). # The procedure returns the graphics ids of the drawn objects. #Example: #
    # set water [atomselect top "resid 5243"]
    # trajectory_path $water scale
    # # follow solvation shell around an atom.
    # set solv  [atomselect top "water and exwithin 3.8 of index 199"]
    # trajectory_path $solv yellow 3 1
    # trajectory_path
    # Andrew Dalke <dalke@ks.uiuc.edu>
    # Axel Kohlmeyer <axel.kohlmeyer@rub.de> (linewidth/update)
    #\VMD  --- end of block
    proc trajectory_path {selection {color blue} {linewidth 1} {update 0}} {
     # save the current selection frame number and get the molecule id.
     set sel_frame [$selection frame]
     set gr_mol [$selection molindex]
     # make the list of coordinates
     set num_frames [molinfo $gr_mol get numframes]
     set coords {}
     for {set i 0} {$i < $num_frames} {incr i} {
       $selection frame $i
       if {$update} { $selection update }
       # compute the center of mass and save it on the list
       lappend coords [measure center $selection weight mass]
     ##### now make the graphics and store the respective graphic ids in a list.
     set gr_list {}
     set coords [lassign $coords prev]
     # use the color scale?
     if {$color == "scale"} {
       set count 0
       incr num_frames
       set basecolors  [colorinfo num]
       set scalecolors [expr [colorinfo max] - [colorinfo num]]
       foreach coord $coords {
         set color [expr $basecolors + int($scalecolors * ($count + 0.0) / ($num_frames + 0.0))]
         graphics $gr_mol color $color
         lappend gr_list [graphics $gr_mol line $prev $coord width $linewidth]
         set prev $coord
         incr count
     } else {
       # constant color
       graphics $gr_mol color $color
       foreach coord $coords {
         lappend gr_list [graphics $gr_mol line $prev $coord width $linewidth]
         set prev $coord
     # return the selection to its original state
     $selection frame $sel_frame
     if {$update} {$selection update}
     return $gr_list