Metal Environment 1.0 --------------------- REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.1 or greater DESCRIPTION: An example of how to use VMD to write analysis scripts. This analyzes the propensity for various residues to be near a set of ions. It takes as input a list of PDB entries and ion names. It uses the "mol pdbload" command to ftp the entries automatically from the PDB ftp site. For each ion, it searchs "within" a given number of Ångstroms and adds the hits to a search bin. HOW IT WORKS: The VMD atom selection commands were prototyped in two in-house programs developed previously, "pdblang", which showed the need for an easy-to-use language for manipulating structures, and "parse" which tested the usefulness of Tcl for analyzing large numbers of structures. Specifically, the goal of the second project was to find what features were needed to write a script to analyze the propensity of various residues to be located near metal ions. Such a script would need to do the following: - given a list of representative PDB files, get them from the PDB - find if a metal ion is present - find the residues within 3, 5, and 7 \AA\ from the ion - keep track of the results The hardest part of the script is determining if a metal ion is present, as it is hard to distinguish between a CA calcium and a CA alpha carbon. That still hasn't been solved, though the method below should work for nearly all cases, except when ions are inadvertently bonded to other atoms. The new PDB definition has a new field for element type, but VMD does not yet recognize it. For the example, the files 1TRZ, 1LND, and 1EZM contain zincs. As expected, histidines were one of the most common zinc neighbors. Of course, there will still be problems of missampling (for instance, overcounting molecules with zinc finger dimers) so you should be very sure of what you are doing when using this type of automated analysis. PROCEDURES: myincr varname value -- adds 'value' (a float) to varname. find_nearby_residues -- finds residues near an ion analyze_ion_propensity -- main driver EXAMPLE USAGE AND OUTPUT: vmd> analyze_ion_propensity {1trz 1lnd 1ezm} ZN ALA :**** ARG :*** ASN :**** ASP :*** CYS :** GLN : GLU :****** GLY : HIS :*********** ILE : LEU :* LYS :** MET : PHE :* PRO : SER :**** THR : TRP : TYR :*** VAL :**** DOWNLOAD FILE: metal_environment.tcl AUTHOR: Andrew Dalke (