3D Parametric Equation Plotter ------------------------------ REQUIREMENTS: VMD Version 1.8 or greater DESCRIPTION: The draw_surface proc generates sample points on a parametric surface defined by three two-variable functions 'f', 'g', and 'h'. Each of the functions accepts two parameters 'u' and 'v'. The the draw_surface requires three parameters which are the the procedure names which implement the functions 'f', 'g', and 'h'. Limits of evaluation and interval size can be set within the body of the draw_surface procedure. To start you off, sample functions 'f', 'g', and 'h' have been provided. PROCEDURES: f - function for the x-component of the parametric surface to plot g - function for the y-component of the parametric surface to plot h - function for the z-component of the parametric surface to plot draw_surface - calculates points of f, g, and h, and plots them EXAMPLE USAGE: To plot the parametric surface, which is a function of two variables: source 3dparplot.tcl draw_surface f g h EXAMPLE OUTPUT:DOWNLOAD FILE: 3dparplot.tcl AUTHOR: John Stone (johns@ks.uiuc.edu)