# Database names and version numbers, for automatic distribution # and updates for MultiSeq users. # Format version code %VERS 1.0 # Format is as follows: # '#' indicates a comment # Blank lines are ignored # Each line consists of space-seperated fields in the following order: # Key - a unique key used by MultiSeq to identify this database # Description - a text description; MUST be in quotes (ie, "desc") # URL - location to download the file from # BackupURL - location to download the file from if URL is unavailable # Version - most recent version number of the database # Size - size in bytes of the downloaded file # Type - download type; "db" for database or "sw" for software # Required - is this download required for proper operation of MultiSeq? Y or N # From: ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/ ncbi_tax "NCBI Taxonomy database" http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/multiseq/db/taxdump.tar.gz http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/multiseq/db/taxdump.tar.gz 20060526 6666570 db Y gi_tax_map "NCBI GI to Taxonomy mapping" http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/multiseq/db/gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/multiseq/db/gi_taxid_prot.dmp.gz 20060522 22868670 db Y # From: ftp://ca.expasy.org/databases/enzyme/release/ enzyme "Enzyme nomenclature" http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/multiseq/db/enzyme.dat http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/multiseq/db/enzyme.dat 39.0 3028134 db Y # From: http://ca.expasy.org/ftp/databases/uniprot/current_release/knowledgebase/complete/docs/ sp_to_pdb "SWISS-PROT to PDB mapping" http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/multiseq/db/pdbtosp.txt http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/multiseq/db/pdbtosp.txt 49.7 1226488 db Y speclist "SWISS-PROT to NCBI Taxonomy mapping" http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/multiseq/db/speclist.txt http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/multiseq/db/speclist.txt 49.7 1069401 db Y # From: http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/parse/ scop_hie "SCOP Hierarchy" http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/parse/dir.hie.scop.txt_1.69 http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/multiseq/db/dir.hie.scop.txt_1.69 1.69 1875535 db Y scop_des "SCOP Descriptions" http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop/parse/dir.des.scop.txt_1.69 http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/multiseq/db/dir.des.scop.txt_1.69 1.69 3777740 db Y # Software packages. blast "BLAST Installation Directory" "" "" "" "" sw N BLASTMAT data BLASTDB "" editor "Path to external editor" "" "" "" "" sw N %EVERS 1.0