namespace eval ::Paratool::Hessian { proc initialize {} { variable bgcolor variable canvas .paratool_hessian.c variable marklineardep 1 variable markchemcoupled 1 variable largecoupling 5 variable selectedhess {} variable hesscursor {} if {[info exists tk_version] && [winfo exists .paratool_hessian]} { destroy .paratool_hessian} } initialize } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::gui { } { # If already initialized, just turn on if { [winfo exists .paratool_hessian] } { set geom [winfo geometry .paratool_hessian] wm withdraw .paratool_hessian wm deiconify .paratool_hessian wm geometry .paratool_hessian $geom focus .paratool_hessian return } variable ::Paratool::zmat variable ::Paratool::inthessian_kcal if {[llength $zmat]<=2 || [llength $inthessian_kcal]==0} { return } variable ::Paratool::selectcolor set v [toplevel ".paratool_hessian"] wm title $v "Hessian in internal coordinates" wm resizable $v 1 1 label $ -wraplength 11c -text "Refinement tries to tune the parameters x0 and k so that the effective x0 and k \ which include the nonbonded contributions match the target parameters as close as possible." labelframe $v.types -bd 2 -relief ridge -text "List of coordinates for parameter refinement" -padx 2m -pady 2m label $ -text "Click on the entries to highlight the corresponding internal coordinates" pack $ variable canvas $v.c frame $v.grid scrollbar $v.hscroll -orient horiz -command "$canvas xview" scrollbar $v.vscroll -command "$canvas yview" canvas $canvas -relief sunken -borderwidth 2 \ -xscrollcommand "$v.hscroll set" \ -yscrollcommand "$v.vscroll set" pack $v.grid -expand yes -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1 grid rowconfig $v.grid 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0 grid columnconfig $v.grid 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0 grid $canvas -padx 1 -in $v.grid -pady 1 \ -row 0 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news grid $v.vscroll -in $v.grid -padx 1 -pady 1 \ -row 0 -column 1 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news grid $v.hscroll -in $v.grid -padx 1 -pady 1 \ -row 1 -column 0 -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news update_canvas # frame $v.cursor # label $v.cursor.label1 -text "Current entry: " # label $v.cursor.label2 -textvariable ::Paratool::Hessian::hesscursor -bg chartreuse -width 12 # pack $v.cursor.label1 $v.cursor.label2 -side left # pack $v.cursor frame $ label $ -text "Current entry: " label $ -textvariable ::Paratool::Hessian::hesscursor -bg chartreuse -width 12 label $ -text " Selected entry: " label $ -textvariable ::Paratool::Hessian::selectedhess -bg orange -width 12 pack $ $ $ $ -side left pack $ checkbutton $v.lindep -text "Highlight all linear dependent entries" -bg khaki \ -variable ::Paratool::Hessian::marklineardep -command ::Paratool::Hessian::mark_all_linear_dependent_intcoor pack $v.lindep frame $v.check checkbutton $v.check.chemcoupled -text "Highlight all chemically coupled entries. Show couplings >" -bg pink \ -variable ::Paratool::Hessian::markchemcoupled -command ::Paratool::Hessian::mark_all_chem_coupled_intcoor label $v.check.spinlabel -text "% of force constants" spinbox $v.check.spin -from 0 -to 100 -increment 1 -width 3 \ -textvariable ::Paratool::Hessian::largecoupling -command ::Paratool::Hessian::mark_all_chem_coupled_intcoor pack $v.check.chemcoupled $v.check.spin $v.check.spinlabel -anchor w -side left pack $v.check } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::update_canvas {} { if {![winfo exists .paratool_hessian]} { return } set c .paratool_hessian.c $c delete all variable ::Paratool::zmat variable ::Paratool::inthessian_kcal # Measure the size of one matrix entry in the canvas set item [$c create text 0 0 -text 12345.1234 -anchor nw] set bbox [$c bbox $item] set labelheight [expr {int(1.0*([lindex $bbox 3]-[lindex $bbox 1]))}] set labelwidth [expr {([lindex $bbox 2]-[lindex $bbox 0])}] puts "labelheight=$labelheight" $c delete $item set dimy [llength $inthessian_kcal] set dimx [llength [lindex $inthessian_kcal end]] $c configure -scrollregion [list [expr {-0.5*$labelwidth}] -$labelheight [expr {($dimx+0.5)*$labelwidth}] [expr {($dimy+1.5)*$labelheight}]] set x 0 set y [expr {-$labelheight}] set i 1 foreach entry [lrange $zmat 1 end] { $c create text [expr {$x+$labelwidth}] $y -text "[lindex $entry 0] " \ -anchor ne -justify right -tags [list label $i $i] $c create text [expr {$x+$labelwidth}] [expr {$dimy*$labelheight}] -text "[lindex $entry 0] " \ -anchor ne -justify right -tags [list label $i $dimy] incr x $labelwidth incr y $labelheight } variable bgcolor [lindex [$c config -bg] 4] set y 0 set i 1 foreach row $inthessian_kcal entry [lrange $zmat 1 end] { set x 0 set j 1 $c create text 0 [expr {$y}] -text "[lindex $entry 0] " \ -anchor ne -justify right -tags [list label $i $j] foreach fc [lrange $row 0 [expr {$i-1}]] { $c create rect ${x} ${y} [expr {$x+$labelwidth}] [expr {$y+$labelheight}] \ -outline grey -fill $bgcolor -tags [list rect row$i col$j] $c create text [expr {$x+$labelwidth}] $y -text "$fc " \ -anchor ne -justify right -tags [list text row$i col$j] incr x $labelwidth incr j } incr y $labelheight incr i } $c xview moveto 0 $c yview moveto 0 $c bind all "::Paratool::Hessian::enter_item" $c bind all "::Paratool::Hessian::leave_item" $c bind all <1> "::Paratool::Hessian::select_item" bind $c <2> "$c scan mark %x %y" bind $c "$c scan dragto %x %y" mark_all_linear_dependent_intcoor mark_all_chem_coupled_intcoor } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::enter_item {} { variable canvas variable bgcolor set id [$canvas find withtag current] if {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] text] >= 0} { set id [$canvas find below current] } elseif {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] label] >= 0} { return } set row [regsub row [lsearch -inline [$canvas gettags $id] "row*"] {}] set col [regsub col [lsearch -inline [$canvas gettags $id] "col*"] {}] variable ::Paratool::zmat variable hesscursor "[lindex $zmat $row 0] - [lindex $zmat $col 0]" $canvas itemconfigure $id -fill chartreuse } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::leave_item {} { variable canvas variable bgcolor set id [$canvas find withtag current] if {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] text] >= 0} { set id [$canvas find below current] } elseif {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] label] >= 0} { return } if {[lsearch -regexp [$canvas gettags $id] selected] < 0} { if {[lsearch [$canvas gettags $id] lindep] >= 0} { $canvas itemconfigure "$id" -fill yellow } elseif {[lsearch [$canvas gettags $id] lindepall] >= 0} { $canvas itemconfigure "$id" -fill khaki } elseif {[lsearch [$canvas gettags $id] coupled] >= 0} { $canvas itemconfigure "$id" -fill pink } else { $canvas itemconfigure "$id" -fill $bgcolor } } else { $canvas itemconfigure $id -fill orange } variable hesscursor "" } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::select_item { {intcoorlist {}} } { variable canvas if {![winfo exists $canvas]} { return } if {[llength $intcoorlist]} { set intcoor [expr {[lindex $intcoorlist 0]+1}] set id [$canvas find withtag row${intcoor}&&col${intcoor}&&rect] foreach {xmin ymin xmax ymax} [$canvas coords $id] {} foreach {w h} [lrange [$canvas cget -scrollregion] 2 3] {break} foreach {xvmin xvmax} [$canvas xview] {} foreach {yvmin yvmax} [$canvas yview] {} if {$xmin/$w<$xvmin || $xmax/$w>$xvmax} { $canvas xview moveto [expr {$xmin/$w-($xvmax-$xvmin)/2.0}] } if {$ymin/$h<$yvmin || $ymax/$h>$yvmax} { $canvas yview moveto [expr {$ymin/$h-($yvmax-$yvmin)/2.0}] } } else { set id [$canvas find withtag current] if {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] text] >= 0} { set id [$canvas find below current] } } # Unselect previous selected element variable bgcolor $canvas itemconfigure selected -fill $bgcolor $canvas dtag selected selected set row [regsub row [lsearch -inline [$canvas gettags $id] "row*"] {}] set col [regsub col [lsearch -inline [$canvas gettags $id] "col*"] {}] $canvas addtag selected withtag $id variable ::Paratool::zmat variable selectedhess "[lindex $zmat $row 0] - [lindex $zmat $col 0]" variable depcoorlist set deplist1 [lindex $depcoorlist [expr {$row-1}]]; #[::Paratool::find_linear_dependent_intcoor $row] set deplist2 [lindex $depcoorlist [expr {$col-1}]]; #[::Paratool::find_linear_dependent_intcoor $col] set deplist [lsort -unique -integer [lintersect $deplist1 $deplist2]] # Unselect previous linear dependent elements $canvas itemconfigure lindep -fill $bgcolor $canvas dtag lindep lindep # Tag all elements belonging to both linear dependent coords and paint then yellow set i 0 foreach rdep $deplist { foreach cdep [lrange $deplist 0 $i] { #puts "addtag row$rdep col$cdep" $canvas addtag lindep withtag rect&&row$rdep&&col$cdep } incr i } $canvas itemconfigure lindepall -fill khaki $canvas itemconfigure lindep -fill yellow $canvas itemconfigure coupled&&!lindep&&!lindepall -fill pink # Paint the seleted element red $canvas itemconfigure $id -fill orange if {![llength $intcoorlist]} { # Select the all linear dependent coords in zmat ::Paratool::select_intcoor [list [expr {$row-1}] [expr {$col-1}]] if {[winfo exists .paratool_intcoor]} { .paratool_intcoor.zmat.pick.list selection clear 0 end } } } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::find_opposite_angle {izmatlist} { variable ::Paratool::zmat set opp {} foreach izmat $izmatlist { set entry [lindex $zmat $izmat] set name [lindex $entry 0] set indexes [lindex $entry 2] switch -glob $name { A* { set left [lindex $indexes 0] set middle [lindex $indexes 1] set right [lindex $indexes 2] set poslist [lsearch -all $zmat "A* {* $middle *}"] foreach pos $poslist { set angleind [lindex $zmat $pos 2] # Don't consider adjacent angles if {[lindex $angleind 0]==$left || [lindex $angleind 0]==$right || [lindex $angleind 2]==$left || [lindex $angleind 2]==$right} { continue } lappend opp $pos } } } } return [lsort -integer -unique [join $opp]] } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::mark_all_linear_dependent_intcoor {} { variable ::Paratool::zmat variable canvas variable bgcolor # Unselect previous linear dependent elements $canvas itemconfigure lindepall -fill $bgcolor $canvas dtag lindepall lindepall variable marklineardep if {!$marklineardep} { return } variable depcoorlist for {set i 1} {$i<=[llength $zmat]} {incr i} { set deplist [lindex $depcoorlist [expr {$i-1}]];# [::Paratool::find_linear_dependent_intcoor $i] if {[llength $deplist]<=1} { continue } #puts "dep [lindex $zmat $i 0] $deplist" # Tag all elements belonging to both linear dependent coords and paint them yellow foreach rdep $deplist { if {$i>$rdep} { continue } $canvas addtag lindepall withtag col${i}&&row${rdep}&&rect } } $canvas itemconfigure lindepall -fill khaki $canvas itemconfigure coupled&&!lindep&&!lindepall -fill pink $canvas itemconfigure lindep -fill yellow } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::mark_all_chem_coupled_intcoor {} { variable canvas variable bgcolor variable ::Paratool::inthessian_kcal variable largecoupling variable markchemcoupled # Unmark previous chemically coupled elements $canvas itemconfigure coupled -fill $bgcolor $canvas dtag coupled coupled if {!$markchemcoupled} { return } set i 0 foreach row $inthessian_kcal { set fcrow [lindex $row $i] set j 0 #puts "chem $fcrow" foreach elem [lrange $row 0 $i] { set fccol [lindex $inthessian_kcal $j $j] if {$elem*$elem>pow($largecoupling/100.0,2)*$fcrow*$fccol && $i!=$j} { #puts "$fcrow $fccol" $canvas addtag coupled withtag rect&&row[expr {$i+1}]&&col[expr {$j+1}] } incr j } incr i } $canvas itemconfigure lindepall -fill khaki $canvas itemconfigure coupled&&!lindep&&!lindepall -fill pink $canvas itemconfigure lindep -fill yellow } proc ::Paratool::Hessian::compute_force_constants_from_inthessian { args } { variable ::Paratool::inthessian_kcal variable ::Paratool::zmat variable ::Paratool::molidbase variable ::Paratool::zmattargetk {} variable ::Paratool::Refinement::targetklist {} variable ::Paratool::Refinement::targetx0list {} variable depcoorlist {} set fclist {} set intcoorlist {} #::Paratool::Refinement::init_paramlist variable ::Paratool::Energy::atomtrans variable ::Paratool::Energy::postrans array unset atomtrans array unset postrans set sel [atomselect $molidbase all frame last] foreach i [$sel get index] xyz [$sel get {x y z}] { set atomtrans($i) $i set postrans($i) $xyz } $sel delete for {set i 1} {$i<[llength $zmat]} {incr i} { #set targetk [lindex $zmat $i 4 0] set targetx0 [lindex $zmat $i 3] set entry [lindex $zmat $i] set type [lindex $entry 1] set atoms [lindex $entry 2] #set x0 [lindex $entry 3] set dx 0.1; # for bonds 0.1 A if {[regexp "angle|lbend|dihed" $type]} { set dx 5.0; # for angles 1.0 deg } set j 0 foreach index [lindex $entry 2] { set atom($j) $index set sel [atomselect $molidbase "index $index" frame last] set pos($j) [join [$sel get {x y z}]] $sel delete incr j } # Generate two frames that represent a distortion of the current internal coordinate # in both directions. Since our set of internal coords is redundant, some coordinates # cannot be disturbed without changing other coordinates, too. These coordinates are # mutually dependent. We can then use measure $type to determine how much # other coordinates have changed with the perturbation. # A general rule which coords are dependently distorted is as follows: # Bonds are all independent unless they are part of a ring. In that case everything # is kept fixed except the two atoms defining the bond. # Consequently the dependent conformations are all neighboring bonds and all angles these # atoms are involved in. # For angles the dependent coordinates are all other angles centered around the middle # atom. In case of a four-valent middle atom, the dihedrals ending in one (and only one) # leg of the angle are also dependent. # Impropers are always dependent on all angles made from the same atoms and all dihedrals # involving the same angles. set numframes [molinfo $molidbase get numframes] set icenter [expr {$numframes-1}] set ilower [expr {$numframes}] set iupper [expr {$numframes+1}] foreach {x h1} [::Paratool::Energy::make_distortion $molidbase $type \ [array get pos] [array get atom] -dx $dx] {} #puts "xh $x $h1; numf=$numframes:[molinfo $molidbase get numframes]" set rad2deg 57.2957795131; # [expr 180.0/3.14159265358979] set deg2rad 0.0174532925199; # [expr 3.14159265358979/180.0] set depcoor {} set energy {0 0 0} #set h1 $dx if {[regexp "angle|lbend|dihed|imprp" $type]} { set h1 [expr {$deg2rad*$h1}] } for {set j 1} {$j<[llength $zmat]} {incr j} { # Make sure to fetch kc from lower diagonal if {$i>=$j} { set kc [lindex $inthessian_kcal [expr {$i-1}] [expr {$j-1}]] } else { set kc [lindex $inthessian_kcal [expr {$j-1}] [expr {$i-1}]] } lappend kclist $kc set geom [lindex $zmat $j 1] if {$geom=="lbend"} { set geom "angle" } set xcenter [measure $geom [lindex $zmat $j 2] molid $molidbase frame $icenter] set xupper [measure $geom [lindex $zmat $j 2] molid $molidbase frame $iupper] if {[regexp "angle|lbend|dihed" $geom]} { if {$xcenter<-90} { set xcenter [expr {$xcenter+360}] } if {$xupper<-90} { set xupper [expr {$xupper+360}] } } set h2 [format "%.3f" [expr {($xupper-$xcenter)}]] #if {$i==10} { puts "i=$i j=$j h2=$h2";} #if {$i==2} { puts "[lindex $zmat $j 0]:: xmeasure=$xmeasure; xcenter=$xcenter xupper=$xupper h1=$h1 h2=$h2" } if {abs($h2)<0.01} { continue } if {[regexp "angle|lbend|dihed" $geom]} { if {[format "%.2f" $h2]==180.0} { continue } set h2 [expr {$h2*$deg2rad}] } # Since h2 is nonzero we are in presence of a dependent coordinate. lappend depcoor $j #set e [expr {($kc)*$h1*$h2}] #set energy [vecadd $energy [list $e 0.0 $e]] } lappend depcoorlist $depcoor # Force constant f''(x)/2 = 0.5*(f(x-h) - 2f(x) + f(x+h))/h^2 #foreach {Elower Ecenter Eupper} $energy {break} #puts " Elower=$Elower; Ecenter=$Ecenter; Eupper=$Eupper" #set rawk [expr {0.5*($Elower - 2.0*$Ecenter + $Eupper)/pow($h1,2)}] # Actually we want to generate a list of raw FCs and refine and scale them (and periodify the diheds). # For now this is ok. #lappend fclist $rawk lappend fclist [lindex $inthessian_kcal [expr {$i-1}] [expr {$i-1}]] #if {$i==26} { puts "[lindex $zmat $i 0]: kc=$kclist; e=$energy rawk=$rawk"; puts $depcoorlist; error "" } # Get the coupling constants and compute energies left and right of equilibrium in order # to calculate the target potential surface for this motion. set energy {0 0 0} foreach rdep $depcoor { set geom [lindex $zmat $rdep 1] if {$geom=="lbend"} { set geom "angle" } set xcenter [measure $geom [lindex $zmat $rdep 2] molid $molidbase frame $icenter] set xupper [measure $geom [lindex $zmat $rdep 2] molid $molidbase frame $iupper] if {$xcenter<-90} { set xcenter [expr {$xcenter+360}] } if {$xupper<-90} { set xupper [expr {$xupper+360}] } set h1 [expr {($xupper-$xcenter)}] #puts "[lindex $zmat $rdep 0]:: xmeasure=$xmeasure; xcenter=$xcenter xupper=$xupper h1=$h1" if {[regexp "angle|lbend|dihed" $geom]} { if {[format "%.3f" $h1]==180.0} { continue } set h1 [expr {$deg2rad*$h1}] } if {$h1==0.0} { continue } foreach cdep $depcoor { # Make sure to fetch kc from lower diagonal if {$rdep>=$cdep} { set kc [lindex $inthessian_kcal [expr {$rdep-1}] [expr {$cdep-1}]] } else { set kc [lindex $inthessian_kcal [expr {$cdep-1}] [expr {$rdep-1}]] } if {$kc==0.0} { continue } set geom [lindex $zmat $cdep 1] if {$geom=="lbend"} { set geom "angle" } set xcenter [measure $geom [lindex $zmat $cdep 2] molid $molidbase frame $icenter] set xupper [measure $geom [lindex $zmat $cdep 2] molid $molidbase frame $iupper] if {$xcenter<-90} { set xcenter [expr {$xcenter+360}] } if {$xupper<-90} { set xupper [expr {$xupper+360}] } set h2 [expr {($xupper-$xcenter)}] if {[regexp "angle|lbend|dihed" $geom]} { if {[format "%.3f" $h2]==180.0} { continue } set h2 [expr {$h2*$deg2rad}] } if {$h2==0.0} { continue } set e [expr {($kc)*$h1*$h2}] #set e [::Paratool::generate_harmonic_potential_deg angle [expr {abs($kc)}] 0.0 [list -$h 0 $h]] #set energy [vecadd $energy $e] set energy [vecadd $energy [list $e 0.0 $e]] } } # Now we can estimate the force constant for this potential by simply taking a numerical # derivative. # Force constant f''(x)/2 = 0.5*(f(x-h) - 2f(x) + f(x+h))/h^2 foreach {Elower Ecenter Eupper} $energy {break} #puts " Elower=$Elower; Ecenter=$Ecenter; Eupper=$Eupper" set targetk [expr 0.5*($Elower - 2.0*$Ecenter + $Eupper)/pow($dx,2)] if {[regexp "angle|lbend|dihed|imprp" $type]} { set targetk [expr pow($rad2deg,2)*$targetk] } #puts "[lindex $zmat $i 0]: $depcoor; e=$energy targetk=$targetk" lappend zmattargetk $targetk lappend targetklist $targetk lappend targetx0list $targetx0 lappend intcoorlist [expr {$i-1}] # Delete the tmp frames animate delete beg $numframes $molidbase ; } # Assign new force constants to the internal coordinates in zmat assign_fc_zmat $fclist ::Paratool::symmetrize_parameters -all zmatqm ::Paratool::assign_unknown_force_constants_from_zmatqm ::Paratool::update_zmat if {[lsearch $args "-getfc"]>=0} { return $fclist } ### Commented out to make sitevisit demo work!!! # # Compute effective parameters # foreach {d1list kefflist x0efflist} [::Paratool::Energy::compute_derivatives $intcoorlist -rebuild] {} # # Compute the difference between targets and effective parameters # variable ::Paratool::Refinement::dklist {} # variable ::Paratool::Refinement::dx0list {} # variable ::Paratool::Refinement::effklist $kefflist # variable ::Paratool::Refinement::effx0list $x0efflist # foreach targetx0 $targetx0list x0eff $x0efflist targetk $targetklist keff $kefflist { # set dx0 [expr {$targetx0-$x0eff}] # set dk [expr {$targetk -$keff}] # lappend dx0list $dx0 # lappend dklist $dk # } # # Update the lists (eff, target, d) in the Refinement GUI # ::Paratool::Refinement::update_paramlist $intcoorlist return $fclist } ######################################################### # Assign the force constants to internal coordinates. # # Takes the hessian matrix in internal coordinates. # # Harmonic force constants for diheds are tranlated to # # periodic potentials. # ######################################################### proc ::Paratool::Hessian::assign_fc_zmat { fclist } { variable ::Paratool::molidbase variable ::Paratool::zmatqm variable ::Paratool::zmat variable ::Paratool::exactdihedrals set num -1 foreach entry $zmat { # Skip header if {$num==-1} { incr num; continue } set fc [lindex $fclist $num] set type [lindex $entry 1] if {[string match "dihed" $type]} { set delta 180.0 set n [::QMtool::get_dihed_periodicity $entry $molidbase] set dihed [lindex $entry 3] set pot [expr {1+cos($n*$dihed/180.0*3.14159265)}] if {$pot<1.0} { set delta 0.0 } set pot [expr {1+cos(($n*$dihed-$delta)/180.0*3.14159265)}] if {$exactdihedrals || $pot>0.1} { # If the equilib energy would be higher than 5% of the barrier height we choose the # exact actual angle for delta. # Since the minimum of cos(x) is at 180 deg we need to use an angle relative to 180. set delta [expr {180.0+$dihed}] puts "[lindex $entry 0] pot=$pot dihed=$dihed delta=$delta" } #puts "dihed=$dihed; n=$n; delta=$delta; fc=$fc" set fc [expr {$fc/double($n*$n)}] lset zmat [expr {$num+1}] 4 [list $fc $n $delta] } else { lset zmat [expr {$num+1}] 4 [list $fc [lindex $entry 3]] } lappend newfclist $fc lset zmat [expr {$num+1}] 5 "[regsub {[QCRMA]} [lindex $zmat [expr {$num+1}] 5] {}]Q" incr num } variable ::Paratool::havefc 1 variable ::Paratool::havepar 1 lset zmat 0 6 $havepar lset zmat 0 7 $havefc # Reset the QM based zmat set zmatqm $zmat variable ::Paratool::charmmoverridesqm if {$charmmoverridesqm} { ::Paratool::assign_known_bonded_charmm_params } else { ::Paratool::update_zmat } return $newfclist }