# contour plot for Ala and Phe in r7h29 nanotube at fixed r=0.4nm # - S. Vaitheeswaran, 8 Jan '08 set size square set view 0,0 #set view 180,180 set contour base #set noclabel #*** Controlling contour lines ***# # Use one of the below options # #set cntrparam levels 20 # ten contour lines are drawn #set cntrparam levels incremental -1, 0.2, 1 # defines the initial, # increment, and final values set cntrparam levels discrete\ -14.3, -12, -9.5, -7., -4.5, -2., 0., 10., 20., 30 # define the height # at which contour lines are drawn unset surface set ticslevel 0 # reqd. if surface is shown: # zero of Z-Axis moves to the XY plane set isosample 20 # does not appear to affect tabulated data unset key #set xrange [10. : 170.] #set yrange [25. : 165.] set term table set output "table.dat" set pm3d map splot 'contour.dat' matrix w l !rm contour_plot.eps set term postscript eps enhanced color solid set output "contour_plot.eps" #plot "table.dat" using 1:2 w l plot "table.dat" i 0:0 using 1:2 w l lt 0 lw 3,\ "table.dat" i 1:1 using 1:2 w l lt 1 lw 9,\ "table.dat" i 2:2 using 1:2 w l lt 2 lw 9,\ "table.dat" i 3:3 using 1:2 w l lt 3,\ "table.dat" i 4:4 using 1:2 w l lt 4,\ "table.dat" i 5:5 using 1:2 w l lt 5,\ "table.dat" i 6:6 using 1:2 w l lt 6,\ "table.dat" i 7:7 using 1:2 w l lt 7,\ "table.dat" i 8:8 using 1:2 w l lt 8 set output set term x11 splot 'contour.dat' matrix w l #rep