cpu-bind=MASK - cn272, task 0 0 [1397]: mask 0xc000 set Loading Slurm modules... Changing to simulation directory... /repo/git/alcnr/sim/mini Namd node list: host ++cpus 2 Charmrun arguments: ++p 2 ++ppn 2 ++nodelist nodelist.295873 Namd arguments: Launching NAMD simulation with 2 processes: Charmrun> scalable start enabled. Charmrun> scalable start enabled. Charmrun> IBVERBS version of charmrun Charmrun> IBVERBS version of charmrun Host key verification failed. Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Reconnection attempt 1 of 3 Host key verification failed. Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Reconnection attempt 1 of 3 Host key verification failed. Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Reconnection attempt 2 of 3 Host key verification failed. Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Reconnection attempt 2 of 3 Host key verification failed. Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Reconnection attempt 3 of 3 Host key verification failed. Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Reconnection attempt 3 of 3 Host key verification failed. Host key verification failed. Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Too many reconnection attempts; bailing out Charmrun> Error 255 returned from remote shell (:0) Charmrun> Too many reconnection attempts; bailing out ------------------------------------------------------- Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code.. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted. ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was: Process name: [[20592,1],1] Exit code: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------