N-glycosylation bond not view after patching

From: Ropon-Palacios G. (biodano.geo_at_gmail.com)
Date: Sun Mar 07 2021 - 17:15:26 CST

Dear namd users,

I have generated the PSF file for my system, patching the N-glycosylation as follows:

patch NGLB PROA:343 CARA:1

Where PROA is my protein and CARA is the sugar.

My script for building the PSF runs perfectly with no errors, but when I open the new PSF and PDB files I cannot see the bond between the protein and the sugar. I noticed that the correct Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms have been deleted, but somehow the bond is not there.

Has anyone else have an issue like this before? Am I missing something?

My script :


;# Script for generate topology

if {1} {

package require psfgen


;# Fix topology

topology ../../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_prot.rtf

topology ../../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_na.rtf

topology ../../toppar_c36_jul20/toppar_water_ions.str

topology ../../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_lipid.rtf  ; ## lipids

topology ../../toppar_c36_jul20/top_all36_carb.rtf

topology ../../toppar_c36_jul20/stream/carb/toppar_all36_carb_glycopeptide.str



;# Protein select  

mol new step1_pdbreader.pdb type pdb waitfor all

set sel [atomselect top "protein"]

set segnames [lsort -unique [$sel get segname]]

foreach segname $segnames {

    puts "Adding protein segname $segname to psfgen"

    #pdbalias residue HIS HSD

    #pdbalias residue CYSP CYS

    pdbalias atom ILE CD1 CD

    set seg ${segname}

    set sel [atomselect top "protein and segname $segname"]

    $sel set segid $seg

    $sel writepdb tmp.pdb

    segment $seg {pdb tmp.pdb}

    #regenerate dihedrals 

    coordpdb tmp.pdb $seg

    guesscoord   ;## adiciona, H, y algunos atomos perdidos.



if {1} {

;# Glycan select  

set sel [atomselect top "hetero and not protein"]

set segnames [lsort -unique [$sel get segname]]

foreach segname $segnames {

    puts "Adding glycan segname $segname to psfgen"

    pdbalias residue ANE ANE5AC   ; ## carbohydrates

    pdbalias residue BGL  BGLCNA   ; ## carbohydrates

    #pdbalias residue BGL NGLA

    pdbalias residue AMA  AMAN  

    pdbalias residue BMA  BMAN

    pdbalias residue BGA  BGAL

    pdbalias residue AFU  AFUC

    pdbalias residue AGA  AGALNA

    set seg ${segname}

    set sel [atomselect top "hetero and not protein and segname $segname"]

    $sel set segid $seg

    $sel writepdb tmp.pdb

    segment $seg {pdb tmp.pdb}

    coordpdb tmp.pdb $seg

    #regenerate angles

    guesscoord   ;## adiciona, H, y algunos atomos perdidos.




if {0} {

##; Patching Disulfide bonds

patch DISU PROA:131 PROA:166

patch DISU PROA:291 PROA:301



##; Patching glycans

##; information was get from: step1_pdbreader_glycan.str charmm-gui 

##; forward

patch NGLB PROA:343 CARA:1

patch NGLB PROB:90 CARB:1

patch NGLB PROB:103 CARC:1

patch NGLB PROB:53 CARD:1

patch NGLB PROB:322 CARE:1

patch NGLB PROB:546 CARF:1 


;# Escribiendo los output

writepsf wildtype_top.psf ; # Output PSF


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