From: Alexander Gonzalez (
Date: Mon Jul 01 2019 - 14:59:26 CDT
I've been trying to run a simulation on a new structure with orientation
collective variables to separate two portions of a protein (resid 43-515
and resid 542-1011), I followed the "Exploring Complex Conformational
Transition Pathways" tutorial, using the provided orientation.tcl to find
the orientation quaternions. I changed the colvars.conf file as is shown
## Collective Variables ##
# Global parameters
colvarsTrajFrequency 500
colvar {
name d1_2
orientation {
atoms {
psfSegID AP1
atomNameResidueRange { CA 43-515 }
refPositionsFile CC-complete-model-ChainA-solvate-centered-mini-LF.pdb
colvar {
name d3_4
orientation {
atoms {
psfSegID AP1
atomNameResidueRange { CA 542-1011 }
refPositionsFile CC-complete-model-ChainA-solvate-centered-mini-LF.pdb
harmonic {
name harm
colvars { d1_2 d3_4 }
# initial values
centers { ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) }
# target values
targetCenters { ( 0.984807753012208 , -0.009832450473359431 ,
0.04197699686335437 , 0.16821101136975466 ) ( 0.984807753012208 ,
0.009832450473359431 , -0.04197699686335437 , -0.16821101136975466 ) }
# force constant in kcal/(mol*rad^2)
forceConstant 10000
# steering protocol time
targetNumSteps 200000
# calculate work
outputAccumulatedWork on
The resulting simulation seems to separate the two protein sections, but
not before rotating and distorting the protein for the first few frames. I
also tried accomplishing this separation with the spin colvars, where I
used the axis.tcl script to get the principal axes. Drawing these axes
seems to show that they are accurate for the rotation that I want to
accomplish. Despite this, the spin colvar simulation also leads to the
structure rotating and distorting in unwanted ways for the first few frames
of the simulation before separating as expected. I would really appreciate
advice for possible things to try regarding this, also let me know if you
want more information about the specific structure/simulation I am
attempting. Thanks for your time!
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