Re: QM-MM ORCA Charm++ error Could not find QM output file

From: Marcelo C. R. Melo (
Date: Fri Jan 20 2017 - 08:33:18 CST

Hi Francesco,

There is nothing that would keep NAMD from using constraints like that in a
QM/MM simulation, just like it would in a "regular" or classical MD


Marcelo Cardoso dos Reis Melo
PhD Candidate
Luthey-Schulten Group
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
+1 (217) 244-5983
On 19 January 2017 at 11:56, Francesco Pietra <> wrote:
> Hi Marcelo:
> What about colvars in the config.namd file (the same colvars that where
> used in minimizing/heating/npt)? They are accepte and the simulation is
> running. Actually these colvars are for the qm part, keeping a foreign
> molecule near the transition metal atom, which might well be unreasonable
> for a qm-mm.
> thanks
> francesco pietra
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2017 at 10:58 PM, Marcelo C. R. Melo <>
> wrote:
>> Sure, you could minimize, equilibrate (with and/or without constraints)
>> and run you system for some time before selecting a conformation to be used
>> in the TCL script, and then initiating QM/MM runs. There is nothing in the
>> method or code that would prevent you from doing that.
>> Some discussion could ensue regarding the difference in force fields used
>> for minimizing/equilibrating and then running the simulations, so you
>> should check the literature for your particular case for that.
>> Best,
>> Marcelo
>> ---
>> Marcelo Cardoso dos Reis Melo
>> PhD Candidate
>> Luthey-Schulten Group
>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>> +1 (217) 244-5983 <(217)%20244-5983>
>> On 17 January 2017 at 12:10, Francesco Pietra <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Marcelo:
>>> Adding "ENGRAD"  let the simulation running. It was running on 6 cores,
>>> therefore much too slow for this system. Killed while minimization was
>>> slowly moving atoms.
>>> Probably obvious; can minimization be run separately, submitting to
>>> "prepare.qm.region.tlc" minimized (perhaps also "heated") files?
>>> Nonetheless I would be happy to have the simulation running with MOPAC
>>> too; with DFT, especially with BP86, one does not not where he is as to the
>>> spin state.
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> francesco pietra
>>> On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 11:17 PM, Marcelo C. R. Melo <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> In the case of ORCA, you should always have the keyword "ENGRAD" in
>>>> your qmConfigLine. This tells ORCA to write a file ending in "engrad" where
>>>> the gradient is written.
>>>> That should solve your issue.
>>>> Marcelo
>>>> ---
>>>> Marcelo Cardoso dos Reis Melo
>>>> PhD Candidate
>>>> Luthey-Schulten Group
>>>> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
>>>> +1 (217) 244-5983 <(217)%20244-5983>
>>>> On 16 January 2017 at 01:55, Francesco Pietra <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello:
>>>>> This mail in parallel to previous mail about the same system and same
>>>>> issue with QM-MM MOPAC.
>>>>> System of total spin 7 (total six unpaired electrons on two open shell
>>>>> molecules)
>>>>> qmConfigLine    "! UKS BP86 def2-TZVP def2-TZVP/J KDIIS SOSCF"
>>>>> qmConfigLine    "%%output PrintLevel Mini Print\[ P_Mulliken \] 1
>>>>> Print\[P_AtCharges_M\] 1 end"
>>>>> # Multiplicity of the QM region. This is needed for propper
>>>>> # construction of ORCA's input file.
>>>>> qmMult          "1 7"
>>>>> The gmConfigLine is the best for transition metals in my experience
>>>>> with orca)
>>>>> Folder /0 contains
>>>>> qmmm_0.input
>>>>> qmmm_0.input.gbw
>>>>> qmmm_0.input.pntchrg
>>>>> qmmm_0.input.prop
>>>>> qmmm_0.input.TmpOut
>>>>> The TmpOut file:
>>>>> Total SCF time: 0 days 1 hours 14 min 18 sec
>>>>> -------------------------   --------------------
>>>>> FINAL SINGLE POINT ENERGY                    nan
>>>>> -------------------------   --------------------
>>>>>                             ***************************************
>>>>>                             *     ORCA property calculations      *
>>>>>                             ***************************************
>>>>>                                     ---------------------
>>>>>                                     Active property flags
>>>>>                                     ---------------------
>>>>>    (+) Dipole Moment
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ------------------
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ------------------
>>>>> Dipole Moment Calculation                       ... on
>>>>> Quadrupole Moment Calculation                   ... off
>>>>> Polarizability Calculation                      ... off
>>>>> GBWName                                         ...
>>>>> /dev/shm/NAMD_4IEV/0/qmmm_0.input.gbw
>>>>> Electron density file                           ...
>>>>> /dev/shm/NAMD_4IEV/0/qmmm_0.input.scfp.tmp
>>>>> -------------
>>>>> -------------
>>>>>                                 X             Y             Z
>>>>> Electronic contribution:      4.59465      27.21307      -7.80847
>>>>> Nuclear contribution   :    -16.01483     -32.18596      12.99059
>>>>>                         -----------------------------------------
>>>>> Total Dipole Moment    :    -11.42018      -4.97289       5.18211
>>>>>                         -----------------------------------------
>>>>> Magnitude (a.u.)       :     13.49090
>>>>> Magnitude (Debye)      :     34.29115
>>>>> Timings for individual modules:
>>>>> Sum of individual times         ...     4508.572 sec (=  75.143 min)
>>>>> GTO integral calculation        ...        8.134 sec (=   0.136 min)
>>>>> 0.2 %
>>>>> SCF iterations                  ...     4500.439 sec (=  75.007 min)
>>>>> 99.8 %
>>>>>                              ****ORCA TERMINATED NORMALLY****
>>>>> TOTAL RUN TIME: 0 days 1 hours 15 minutes 27 seconds 331 msec
>>>>> The NAMD log:
>>>>> TCL: Minimizing for 100 steps
>>>>> Info: List of ranks running QM simulations: 0.
>>>>> ERROR: Could not find QM output file!
>>>>> FATAL ERROR: No such file or directory
>>>>> i.e, the same error as with MOPAC  for the same system. Comparing with
>>>>> the furnished Example1 - which ended OK also in my hands - I was unable to
>>>>> catch which file corresponds to the "QM output file" charmm++ is
>>>>> complaining about.
>>>>> Thanks for help
>>>>> francesco pietra

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