Date: Sat Jul 15 2017 - 07:02:33 CDT
As far as I know, you can calculate the krestr or spring force constant
like this:
1. Find the boltzmann constant in kcal/(mol*k), let it be kb;
2. Find the temperature running with your simulation, let it be T;
3. Find the extendedFluctuation value you have set in your colvars input
file, let it be sigma;
krestr = kb*T/(sigma*sigma)
This formula is in the NAMD user guide. You can do a global
search("spring force constant") in the PDF version user guide to find it.
在 2017年07月15日 16:36, Francesco Pietra 写道:
> Thanks for all information.However, I dare saying that there also
> biochemists here, like myself, who have a limited background in
> biophysics but would like to compare theory with their experiments. I
> believe I understand the reasons for the said deconvolution, and what
> "Krestr = extended system force constant" stands for. Nonetheless I am
> unable to carry out such a deconvolution (even for the example in the
> 2017 tutorial, not only for my system) because I find no access to Krestr.
> It would help:
> (1) Knowing whether all settings in the 2017 protein-tutorial for ABF
> Conformation Bound are such as the Krestr value should appear at the
> beginning of the colvars output file (which does not, as far as I
> could investigate). If setting are not enough, which other definition
> of colvars should be implemented in order to get that Krestr.
> (2) Should that above not work, is that too much asking for the
> explicit expression mentioned in "recalculate it yourself - the
> expression is given in the user's guide" of previous mail along this
> thread?
> I sincerely beg pardon for posing questions on matter that apparently
> has no mystery for other guys on this forum.
> thanks
> francesco
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 3:21 PM, Giacomo Fiorin
> < <>> wrote:
> Note also that at the beginning of the User's Guide is a table of
> contents, with links.
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 9:20 AM, Giacomo Fiorin
> < <>> wrote:
> <>
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2017 at 4:39 AM, Francesco Pietra
> < <>> wrote:
> Hi Jerome:
> I have now run, for comparison with my system, the 2017
> ABF tutorial protein-ligand, Conformation, Bound along
> 30.000 steps only. Outputs have the same layout as for my
> system.
> The beginning of bound-1-01_0.colvars.traj reads:
> # step r Theta Phi Psi theta phi RMSD r_RMSD
> 0 2.21264748116377e+01 9.88241538497830e+01
> -1.56036780260276e+01 2.81125103179902e+01
> 3.71653966824358e+01 -8.90756156240459e+01 1.3204510
> Has Krestr to be looked for at the beginning of another
> file? I have examined all at no avail.
> ##############
> recalculate it yourself - the expression is given in
> the user's guide.
> could you be so kind to provide a link?
> Thanks
> francesco
> On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 8:14 PM, Jérôme Hénin
> < <>> wrote:
> Hi Francesco,
> The value is computed at the beginning of the
> simulation, based on the provided extendedFluctuation
> value. You can get it from the colvars output, or even
> recalculate it yourself - the expression is given in
> the user's guide.
> Jerome
> On 13 July 2017 at 17:32, Francesco Pietra
> < <>>
> wrote:
> Hello:
> With ABF, I am unable to catch the Krestr value to
> insert into umbrella_int.awk.
> From the tutorial protein-ligand "The value of
> Krestr is logged at the beginning of the NAMD
> output file."
> from the script itself :
> # Krestr (mandatory: -v Krestr=XXX), get value
> from colvars output
> # "Computed extended system force constant"
> I must say that I have completed the "Conformation
> Bound" only, while the "Conformation Unbound" was
> started and later on killed on a work station,
> waiting for the cluster, as the system is large.
> Is the Krest value only provided at completion of
> the simulation?
> thanks
> francesco pietra
> --
> Giacomo Fiorin
> Associate Professor of Research, Temple University,
> Philadelphia, PA
> Contractor, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
> <>
> --
> Giacomo Fiorin
> Associate Professor of Research, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
> Contractor, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD
> <>
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