equilibrate the bulk water system

From: Hasan haska (hasanhaska_at_yahoo.com)
Date: Tue Mar 10 2015 - 16:51:30 CDT

DearNAMD users,

Iwant to minimize and equilibrate a bulk water system that includes 7048water molecules (SPC/E water model) in a rectangular box with the d=0.996 g/cm3experimental density at 300K. Therefore I prepared a namd conf file belowand started to run it. But after minimization was completed I got the error,which is in below. My aim is to run minimization and NPT simulation withkeeping the dimension of the unit cell in the x-y plane constant while allowingfluctuations along the z axis in order to get the real cell sizes ( 55 X 55 X70 Angs ) according to the density. Then run a NVT simulation with these cellsize. How can I solve this problem ?  Could you please share your opinionand experience ?





My simulation files are in the linkabove.




------------- Processor 0 Exiting:Called CmiAbort ------------

Reason: FATAL ERROR: Stray PME gridcharges detected!

FATAL ERROR: Seehttp://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/namd/bugreport.html

Charm++ fatal error:

FATAL ERROR: Stray PME grid chargesdetected!



#--- This is a test namd configurationfile





paratypeCharmm  on

parameters    water.PRM


structure             water.psf  #

coordinates           water_.pdb  #

outputName            water_1out  #


set temperature    300


temperature $temperature


firsttimestep     0


# Integrator Parameters

timestep           1.0

nonbondedFreq      2

fullElectFrequency 4    

stepspercycle      16  



# Force-Field Parameters

exclude        scaled1-4 

1-4scaling     1.0

cutoff         18.

switching      on

switchdist     15.            

pairlistdist    20.



# Constant Temperature Control

langevin           on   ;# do langevin dynamics

langevinDamping    1    ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 5/ps

langevinTemp       $temperature

langevinHydrogen   on    ;#  couple langevin bath to hydrogens

# Constant Pressure Control (variablevolume)


useGroupPressure     no ;# needed for 2fs steps

useFlexibleCell      yes  ;# no for water box, yes for membrane

useConstantArea      yes  ;# no for water box, yes for membrane


langevinPiston       on

langevinPistonTarget  1.01325;#  in bar -> 1 atm

langevinPistonPeriod  200.

langevinPistonDecay   50.

langevinPistonTemp   $temperature


 #--- PBC


cellBasisVector1  55.0  0.0    0.0

cellBasisVector2   0.0 55.0    0.0

cellBasisVector3  0.0   0.0  100.0


#--- PME 

PME                yes

PMEGridSpacing     1.0


#--- Output & Restart


binaryoutput    no


binaryrestart   yes


restartname    water_1restart      #

DCDfile        water_1out.dcd      #


restartfreq       5000      #

dcdfreq           5000

xstFreq           5000

outputEnergies    5000

outputPressure    5000

outputtiming      5000


minimize 10000

reinitvels         $temperature

run 10000000

# 10 ns 2002 record


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