From: Jim Phillips (
Date: Mon Nov 10 2014 - 15:44:39 CST
I'm guessing <feff> is a UTF-16 byte order mark, which may be invisible in
an editor. How did you create this file (which I haven't seen since you
only sent it to Norman)?
You could try running it through "sed 's/<feff>//'" to remove the <feff>
On Mon, 10 Nov 2014, Norman Geist wrote:
> I can’t see any obvious problem with the file, maybe you somehow entered an unreadable character. Did you prepare this file on an operating system different from the computer you will start the simulation on (Windows/Linux)? Did this script work before? How do you start NAMD with that script?
> Norman Geist.
> Von: Mihaela Drenscko []
> Gesendet: Montag, 10. November 2014 14:52
> An: Norman Geist
> Betreff: Re: namd-l: FATAL ERROR: error parsing config file while executing <feff>
> I enclosed the conf file.
> Thank you,
> Mihaela
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 1:56 AM, Norman Geist <> wrote:
> Hi,
> as NAMDs input is a TCL script actually, you need to take care about the syntax, which you seem to have not. So to help you we will need to _SEE_ your input script.
> Norman Geist.
> Von: [] Im Auftrag von Mihaela Drenscko
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 9. November 2014 18:39
> An:
> Betreff: namd-l: FATAL ERROR: error parsing config file while executing <feff>
> Hello,
> I was running a minimization simulation with namd I got this error in the output file:
> TCL: error parsing config file
> FATAL ERROR: error parsing config file
> while executing
> "
> <feff>"
> (file "pclpopcwmin.conf" line 1)
> What caused it and how do i fix it?
> Thank you,
> Mihaela
> _____
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