long running sim dies
Dear NAMD,
we have been doing some benchmarks on my local computers lately and
seems they are dieing
after running successfully from some time.
( NAMD 2.9 for Linux-x86_64-multicore, 32-way SMP opteron, 1 node, 1
physical node
Uname 3.11.10-21-desktop #1 SMP PREEMPT ... the machine has LOTS of
ram and typically one user )
Nothing seems pathological w/ the system (all energies config etc..
are ok)
There is plenty of disk space for output..etc..
The only error I have was a note from one student
I checked the output file and found a fatal error occured, it said
that cannot find balancer (not sure, need to check it again).
Other runs died w/ no error message.
Could it possibly be that /usr/local/namd2, which is automounted, is
system logs do not indicate a hardware problem.
I presume if the namd2 executable is in same directory as the output
that I/O will keep the automount active.
It this true or does namd open/close files between writes?
Just trying to figure this one out... guess I need to dust off the
sys-admin manual.
Any ideas/comments appreciated.
Thomas C. Bishop
Tel: 318-257-5209
Fax: 318-257-3823
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