Re: Patch to connect monomers code

From: Kenno Vanommeslaeghe (
Date: Mon May 05 2014 - 13:11:36 CDT

 From your previous post, it looks like you might really be looking for
how to construct a residue that can be polymerized up to arbitrary length
and capped at the ends. If so, look at RESI PEGM and the associated PRES
termini in the CGenFF main file. A polymer is generated just like
biopolymers. I hope this answers your question; if not, clarify.

On 05/04/2014 01:15 PM, Rawan Al Nsour wrote:
> Dear All,
> Is there a an clear and detailed example of a code that represents using a
> patch to connect two monomers or more.
> Thanks,
> Rawan
> --
> Rawan Al Nsour
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
> School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University
> E-mail: <>
> 401 W. Main Street, Room E3216
> P.O. Box 843015
> Richmond, Virginia 23284-3015

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