From: Giacomo Fiorin (
Date: Fri Jan 10 2014 - 16:20:45 CST
Orientation has quaternion values on the 4-dimensional unit sphere, and the
distance between two different orientations is the angle between the two
quaternions on that sphere (in radians). Because of symmetry a quaternion
and its opposite are the same rotation so a 30¡Æ rotation will be 15¡Æ away
from the quaternion that represents the identity (convert in radians of
See the following paper and the Coutsias reference therein:
On Jan 9, 2014 7:28 PM, "¼¿ëÀÏ" <> wrote:
> Fiorin, I'm sorry that my mistake. I want to know unit of width, not
> "tilt" but "orientation".
> colvar {
> name Rotation_ring
> width 1.0 <-- what is unit of width?
> orientation {
> atoms {
> psfSegID 8RA
> atomNameResidueRange CA 1 - 8
> }
> refPositionsFile ../lt8mer.all.colvars.namd.coor
> refPositionsCol B
> }
> }
> Yongil
> 2014/1/9 Giacomo Fiorin <>
>> Yongil, the "tilt" variable is the cosine of the tilt angle. So the
>> whole interval of values is -1 to 1. Cos(0) = 1.00 and cos(30) = 0.86, so
>> you want the width to be small enough to distinguish well between those two
>> values (e.g. width = 0.01).
>> Giacomo
>> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:27 AM, ¼¿ëÀÏ <> wrote:
>>> Dear NAMD users
>>> Hi, I'm using orientation component in colvars module for control of
>>> protein's tilt angle.
>>> I try to rotation of protein's tilt angle from 0 degree to 30 degree.
>>> But, I don't know value of width in orientation either degree or radian--089e012940d830dadb04efa523a7--
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