Re: Namd options from TCL

From: Ajasja Ljubetič (
Date: Tue Oct 29 2013 - 04:44:50 CDT

Good question. If there is not you could use environment variables both in
the configuration file and within the TCL script. $env(SOME_VAR). The plus
side of this is that you would only set the variables once.
(Although if you are using Tcl Boundary Forces you probably have to set the
environment variables on each node as well).

Best regards,

On 22 October 2013 17:26, Norman Geist <>wrote:

> Dear NAMD experts,****
> ** **
> is there any way to read NAMD options like fullelectfreqency or
> stepspercycle from within a running simulation due TCL scripting?****
> ** **
> Thanks in advance****
> ** **
> Norman Geist****

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