Charm 6.5.0 compilation issue

From: Dmitry Osolodkin (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2013 - 07:17:21 CST

Dear developers,

I'm trying to compile current Nightly build of NAMD with Charm 6.5.0 and
Intel compilers. My command is: env MPICXX=mpiicc ./build charm++
mpi-linux-x86_64 --with-production

I used env MPICXX=mpiicpc or env MPICXX=mpiicc because default mpicxx
points to gcc compiler, but in both cases results are the same:

/share/intel/impi/ catastrophic
error: #error directive: "SEEK_SET is #defined but must not be for the C++
binding of MPI. Include mpi.h before stdio.h"
  #error "SEEK_SET is #defined but must not be for the C++ binding of MPI.
Include mpi.h before stdio.h"

compilation aborted for mpi-interoperate.C (code 4)
Fatal Error by charmc in directory
   Command mpiicc -DCMK_GFORTRAN -I../bin/../include -D__CHARMC__=1 -I.
-O2 -fno-stack-protector -c mpi-interoperate.C -o mpi-interoperate.o
returned error code 4
charmc exiting...
gmake: *** [mpi-interoperate.o] Error 1
Charm++ NOT BUILT.

Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

Thank you in advance.


Dmitry Osolodkin, PhD
Group of Computational Molecular Design
Department of Chemistry
Moscow State University
Moscow 119991 Russia
Phone: +7-495-9393557
Fax: +7-495-9390290

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