## OUTPUT/INPUT # Amber/(t,s,x)leap generated parm and crd file parmfile 6pSic1_tip4.prmtop coordinates 6pSic1_tip4.pdb #ambercoor 6pSic1_tip4.inpcrd #Input bincoordinates pSic1-pack.4rs.restart.coor binvelocities pSic1-pack.4rs.restart.vel extendedSystem pSic1-pack.4rs.restart.xsc ######################################################### #proc get_first_ts { xscfile } { # set fd [open $xscfile r] # gets $fd # gets $fd # gets $fd line # set ts [lindex $line 0] # close $fd # return $ts #} # #set firstts [get_first_ts $inputname.xsc] ######################################################## # output set output pSic1-pack.4 outputname $output dcdfile ${output}.dcd xstFile ${output}.xst dcdfreq 500 xstFreq 100 binaryoutput no #binaryrestart no outputEnergies 2 restartfreq 1000 outputTiming 500 ## SIMULATION PARAMETERS #constraints fixedAtoms off #fixedAtomsForces off #fixedAtomsFile constr.ref #fixedAtomsCol B constraints on consref pack.ref conskfile pack.ref conskcol B set temperature 310 #temperature $temperature; # initial temperature reassignFreq 1000 reassignTemp 2 reassignIncr 2 reassignHold 310 # AMBER FF settings amber on rigidBonds none #useSettle on #rigidTolerance 1.0e-8 cutoff 13.0 pairlistdist 14.5 margin 10 switching on switchdist 10 exclude scaled1-4 readexclusions no 1-4scaling 1 scnb 2.0 zeromomentum on ljcorrection on watermodel tip4 # Multiple timestepping #firsttimestep $firstts timestep 1 stepspercycle 10 nonbondedFreq 2 fullElectFrequency 2 # Constant Temperature Control #langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics #langevinDamping 0.5 ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 5/ps #langevinTemp 310 #langevinHydrogen off ;# don't couple langevin bath to hydrogens langevinPiston on langevinPistonTarget 1.01325 ;# in bar -> 1 atm langevinPistonPeriod 100. langevinPistonDecay 50. langevinPistonTemp 310 # PME settings PME on PMETolerance 1.0e-6 PMEInterpOrder 4 FFTWUseWisdom no PMEGridSizeX 112 PMEGridSizeY 112 PMEGridSizeZ 96 # periodic cell wrapNearest on wrapAll on wrapWater on ## EXECUTION SCRIPT minimize 50 run 200000