From: Johny Telecaster (
Date: Sat Nov 16 2013 - 10:46:01 CST
I'm looking for script for calculation
2013/11/16 Johny Telecaster <>
> Dear Munir,
> You investigations are very interesting. From your paper I've understood
> that to simulate unbinding is easily that binding (what you've actually do
> in your study) But your approach of multi-point MD might be still very
> useful.
> Little example
> -0.178 1.511 2.406 are the started coordinates corresponded to the COM of
> my ligand
> Supposing that I chose from the predicted dissociation path 4 extra
> points corresponded to the turn regions
> [-1.443, 2.706, 4.485],
> [0.180, 1.187, 9.484],
> [0.402, -2.330, 11.8940],
> [-0.127, -4.221, 17.162]
> Here you can see that 5 points (included starting points) are ranged
> mainly on Z (increasing Z from protein interior to the surrounding)
> No as I understtod 5 directions could not be defined in one conf file so I
> should to make 5 subsequent sMD simulations in each of which
> SMD on
> SMDFile smd_ref.pdb # corresponded to the ligand positioned in the
> initial COM xyz
> SMDk 5
> SMDVel .00001 ;# 10 A/ns = .01 A/ps = .00001 A/fs
> SMDDir -1.443, 2.706, 4.485 # corresponded to the 1rst point taken from
> the pathway
> SMDOutputFreq 100
> than the second conf should be
> SMD on
> SMDFile smd_ref2.pdb # should be taken as the output from the previous run
> SMDk 5
> SMDVel .00001 ;# 10 A/ns = .01 A/ps = .00001 A/fs
> SMDDir 0.180, 1.187, 9.484 # corresponded to the 2nd point taken from the
> pathway
> SMDOutputFreq 100
> etc (overall 5 simulations).
> Does such method correct in general ?
> My suggestion: I suppose that some problems might be arisen during the PMF
> calculations where ~10 windows extracted from the concatenated trajectory
> (from those 5 trajectories) will be needed. For example how I specify
> colvar precisely (typical its position restrictions on Z) for each window?
> Also could some one provide me with the script for analysis of the sMD
> data ( I'd like to measure force along time coordinate (not position as in
> the tutorial).
> Many thanks for suggestions,
> Johny
> 2013/11/16 Munir S. Skaf <>
>> Dear Johny,
>> Perhaps you don't need to define your SMD routes precisely along a cuved
>> path, but it may
>> turn out that a few (say, 3 or 4) turning points on a given pathway are
>> sufficient to smoothly
>> drive your ligand out of the enzyme.
>> You have to make educated guesses to define the turning points.
>> Please take a look at Leandro Martínez's work:
>> J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 10741–10751
>> This multi-point SMD approach preserves the desired physics of the
>> force profile.
>> Best,
>> munir
>> On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 9:10 AM, Johny Telecaster <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear NAMD Developers,
>>> I have some questions about stereed MD. In particular I'd like to
>>> simulate ligand unbinding from the enzyme. Using CAVER Pymol plugin I've
>>> detected 3 possible paths inside my protein. Now I'd like to run stereed MD
>>> along each of that routes to measure forces affected on the ligand during
>>> its motions along each of it. How I could define force directions
>>> presicely along CAVER paths? Does it possible to define this pathes as the
>>> colvar restrictions? Please provide me with example.
>>> Many thanks for the suggestions,
>>> Johny T.
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>> --
>> Munir S. Skaf
>> Institute of Chemistry - Cx. P. 6154
>> State University of Campinas - UNICAMP
>> Campinas - SP 13084-862, Brazil
>> Tel. 55 19 3521 3093 / Fax: 3521 3023
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