NAMD 2.9 install on CLuster mpirun/charmrun with ibverb version ?

From: Nicolas Floquet (
Date: Thu Nov 14 2013 - 05:17:48 CST

Dear all ,


I try to install NAMD on a cluster with infiniband and tested different
versions of NAMD


My submission script is as follows (in which I tested different solutions):




# @ job_name = TMD1

# @ output = $(job_name).out

# @ error = $(job_name).err

# @ environment = COPY_ALL

# @ class = specialIntel

# @ account_no = RCPGs2

# @ job_type = mpich

# @ notify_user =

# @ node = 10

# @ total_tasks = 120

# @ environment = COPY_ALL

# @ wall_clock_limit = 36:00:10,36:00:01

# @ queue



module load hpclr-wrapper gcc-4.6.4 openmpi-1.6.5-gcc

export CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/cluster/gcc-soft/fftw/3.3.3-shared-float/include

export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/cluster/gcc-soft/fftw/3.3.3-shared-float/lib


/opt/cluster/softs/gcc-4.6.x-soft/system/openmpi/1.6.5/bin/mpirun -x



#/opt/cluster/softs/gcc-4.6.x-soft/system/openmpi/1.6.5/bin/mpirun -x



#/opt/cluster/gcc-soft/namd/2.9/NAMD_2.9_Linux-x86_64/charmrun +p
$LOADL_TOTAL_TASKS ++nodelist $LOADL_HOSTFILE /opt/cluster/gcc-soft/namd/




Which solution is the best one ?

The one selected seems to launch but not in parallel ? do I need to use
charmrun with the namd2 executable for iverbs ? do I need to include mpirun
as I did?


Thank you in advance for your help.


Nicolas Floquet

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