From: Cruz-Chu Eduardo Roberto (
Date: Tue Feb 12 2013 - 17:00:57 CST
remove the water or use implicit solvent.
From: [] on behalf of Patricia Campbell []
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 10:01 PM
Subject: namd-l: Simulation continuously crashes after minimization
My goal is to fit a rather large protein structure into a Cryo-EM density map and I have been following the MDFF tutorials to do that. I have been trying to run a simulation in a solvation box that always crashes at the first step of the simulation. I have tried the following
* Checked to see if I could run the simulation with fewer proteins (I could but now I need a larger scale simulation)
* Made sure the target density map sits inside the solvation box as well as made the box bigger so that no atoms are too close to the edge
* Not using a structure that is a the result of another NAMD simulation
* Refitting the crystal structure into the density map
* Mutating a particularly stubborn residue to an alanine
* Running the simulation on two different systems
* o CPU: Intel core i7-3820; GPU: NVIDIA GTX 690
* o CPU: 2x2.66 GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon; NVIDIA GeForce GTX 470 1280 MB
* Changing the number of minimization steps (started at 200 steps)
* o 2000 steps
* o 4000 steps
* Starting at a lower temperature
* o Starting temp of 100K with a final temp of 300K
* Increasing the margin value
* Choosing to add ions to the system either by
* o only neutralize the system with NaCl
* o NaCl concentration at 150 mM/L
All have had error messages that look like the following:
ENERGY: 2000 20045.3695 28655.9242 14964.8238 3061.5794 -3989765.5672 -9999999999.9999 0.0000 69807.4435 678617.7419<tel:678617.7419> -9999999999.9999 300.2457 -9999999999.9999 -9999999999.9999 300.2457 -22194.2416 -2352.0620 11521006.9573 -22194.2416 -2352.0620
ERROR: Atom 13407 velocity is 9683.62 -9253.66 -4407.55 (limit is 10000, atom 27 of 376 on patch 1912 pe 0)
ERROR: Atoms moving too fast; simulation has become unstable (1 atoms on patch 1912 pe 0).
ERROR: Exiting prematurely; see error messages above.
TCL: Running for 100000 steps
PRESSURE: 200 -22430.7 -26.3417 -69.5681 -19.5908 -22647.5 190.443 -93.526 227.535 -22632.6
GPRESSURE: 200 -2683.59 102.214 89.1581 9.15734 -2815.47 13.9541 27.7538 148.065 -2470.87
ENERGY: 200 7036.1969 23982.6941 13678.0172 2385.4084 -4018992.1551 288584.1172 0.0000 69809.8812 677965.3746 -2935550.4655 299.9570 -3613515.8402 -2939335.0168 299.9570 -22570.2667 -2656.6453 11521006.9573 -22570.2667 -2656.6453
ERROR: Atom 13353 velocity is -345013 286249 179665 (limit is 10000, atom 52 of 215 on patch 2778 pe 0)
ERROR: Atoms moving too fast; simulation has become unstable (1 atoms on patch 2778 pe 0).
ERROR: Atom 13357 velocity is 26452 -22404.1 -19947.7 (limit is 10000, atom 267 of 268 on patch 3002 pe 0)
ERROR: Atoms moving too fast; simulation has become unstable (1 atoms on patch 3002 pe 0).
ERROR: Exiting prematurely; see error messages above.
So on and so forth. I have also had a bad global exclusion count on one or two of the simulations but not all. I am wondering if there is something very obvious here that I am missing. I have tried taring up a sample of my files but get error messages from your email service. Please let me know if there is a way to send files that you need to understand what is going on.
example of one namd file that failed:
### Docking -- Step 1
set PSFFILE ionized.psf
set PDBFILE ionized.pdb
set GRIDPDB ion-grid.pdb
set DIEL 1
set SCALING_1_4 1.0
set ITEMP 300
set FTEMP 300
set GRIDFILE nonNAMDcootmap-grid.dx
set GSCALE 0.3
set EXTRAB {ion-extrabonds.txt ion-cispeptide.txt ion-chirality.txt}
set FIXPDB 0
set OUTPUTNAME adk-solvent-step1
set TS 100000
set MS 200
set MARGIN 0
structure $PSFFILE
coordinates $PDBFILE
paraTypeCharmm on
parameters par_all27_prot_lipid_na.inp
if {[info exists INPUTNAME]} {
BinVelocities $INPUTNAME.restart.vel
BinCoordinates $INPUTNAME.restart.coor
ExtendedSystem $INPUTNAME.restart.xsc
} else {
temperature $ITEMP
cellBasisVector1 249.33098602294922 0 0
cellBasisVector2 0 227.7590103149414 0
cellBasisVector3 0 0 298.8009948730469
cellOrigin -157.66326904296875 -186.63685607910156 -68.98925018310547
PME yes
PMEGridSpacing 1.0
PMEPencils 1
wrapAll on
source mdff_template.namd
-- Patricia Campbell 706-577-3754<tel:706-577-3754><>
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