AW: How can I write a log file on my cluster?

From: Norman Geist (
Date: Tue Oct 23 2012 - 00:30:44 CDT

Hi again,


Also, all the processes distributed over the nodes will of course have to be
able to access the config file and the input files like psf/pdb. Therefore
it is necessary to provide a shared filesystem between the nodes. In the
simplest way, this can be a nfs or samba share.


Norman Geist.


Von: [] Im Auftrag
von Norman Geist
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 16:04
An: 'Дмитрий Беговатов'
Cc: Namd Mailing List
Betreff: AW: namd-l: How can I write a log file on my cluster?




What do you mean with logfile? If you mean the standard NAMD output during
simulation, as NAMD puts all output to stdout and stderr, you can simply
catch it on commandline like:


/path/charmrun +p40 /path/namd2 > logfile 2> errorfile


As, so I assume, only one of the processes is doing the output stuff, it is
independent from the number of used processors.


For simulations across multiple nodes you will need at least a nodelist and
passwordless login between the nodes.

As you don't seem to be very familiar with parallel computing, you should
ask your clusters admin maybe.


Norman Geist.


Von: [] Im Auftrag
von ??????? ?????????
Gesendet: Montag, 22. Oktober 2012 08:40
Betreff: namd-l: How can I write a log file on my cluster?


Hello, colleagues.

I've reached the simulation step for now, but I can't write the log-file on
my university's cluster.

It works only on 1 node with 8 cores, and I have at least 20 nodes with 160
cores on my cluster.

I think, that's a parallel programming settings problem, because nodes can't
write one log-file simultaneously.

Can you help me?


I'm using MPI-distribute of NAMD.


Best wishes
Dmitry Begovatov
master of engineering (biomedical) 
National Research University of Electronic Technology

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