Alpha P.M.F. with NAMD 2.8

From: Prathit Chatterjee (
Date: Fri Jun 03 2011 - 06:21:46 CDT

Dear Sir, sorry to disturb you again. The 2.8 Version of NAMD has been out and as suggested by you earlier, I tried again to start my alpha p.m.f. calculation with this new NAMD version. Please have a look of my input file format below - colvarsTrajFrequency 100 colvarsRestartFrequency 2 analysis off ########################### colvar { ############################################ name helix width 0.1 ##given this value so that it comprises with the lower and upper boundary lowerBoundary 0.0 upperBoundary 1.0 outputValue on alpha{ residueRange 71-82 psfSegID ASYN hBondCoeff 0.5 angleRef 88 angleTol 15 hBondCutoff 3.3 hBondExpNumer 6 hBondExpDenom 8 } } ############################################# # Bias type metadynamics { colvars helix hillWeight 0.01 #height of each hills in kcal/mol newHillFrequency 100 hillWidth 1.253 #[(square root of 2pi)/2] useGrids on gridsUpdateFrequency 100 dumpFreeEnergyFile on writeHillsTrajectory on } The error which shows now says that - colvars: # name = helix colvars: Error: no valid components were provided for this collective variable. But, I have seen from the NAMD user guide that I have provided the variables essential for the pmf calculation. Please help me in this regard.Any suggestion from other expertise will also be very helpful. Thanks and Regards Prathit Chatterjee 03.06.2011

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