Re: Re: Allowed CMAP dimensions

From: yandong Huang (
Date: Tue Dec 28 2010 - 03:39:33 CST

thank you

At 2010-11-27 00:23:23,"Ajasja Ljubetič" <> wrote:
Well it took me just one snowy afternoon. I'm attaching the (mathematica) scripts in the hope of saving somebody some time somewhen:)

Best regards,

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 18:07, Ajasja Ljubetič<> wrote:

Dear All,

I'm having the "Sorry, only CMAP dimension of 24 is supported" error (same ashere andhere).
Has anybody already written a script to interpolate a 12x12 CMAP to a 24x24 CMAP. It's probably not that hard to do, but it would save me a few hours in mathematica.

Best regards,

BTW, why is only the 24x24 CMAP supported?

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