From: ipsita basu (
Date: Tue Feb 23 2010 - 04:26:05 CST
Dear all,
I want to insert a protein into a lipid bilayer using vmd. I have
problems when I want to delete the lipids which are merged with the protein.
I followed the tcl script which I loaded and is attached with it. In vmd
main - Tkconsole, when I type:
set sellip [atomselect top "resname POPC"], then an error line "there is no
top molecule in atomselect's molId "
If I change top to mem then gives error " expected integar but got "mem"Not
valid molecule id mem in atomselect's molId ".
So can you please help me to find the proper way?
Thanking You
Ipsita Basu
-- Ipsita Basu Research Fellow c/o : Dr. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay Rajabazar Science College 92 APC Road Kolkata - 700009
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