compiling namd gpu

From: Jacopo Sgrignani (
Date: Tue Dec 21 2010 - 03:13:57 CST

Dear all

i'm trying to compile namd with cuda but i have an error i can not understand.
Below there is the last part of the output, could you give me any
clues to complete the compilation.

Thanks a lot


ptxas info : Compiling entry function
'_Z14dev_sum_forcesPK4atomPK10force_listPK6float4PKfPS5_Pf' for 'sm_10'
ptxas info : Used 22 registers, 1232+16 bytes smem, 8192 bytes
cmem[0], 24 bytes cmem[1]
ptxas info : Compiling entry function
'_Z13dev_nonbondedPK10patch_pairPK4atomPK10atom_paramP6float4S9_PjPfSB_6float3SC_SC_ff' for
ptxas info : Used 32 registers, 4+0 bytes lmem, 2464+16 bytes smem,
8192 bytes cmem[0], 48 bytes cmem[1]
/u/shared/programs/x86_64/nctk/3.2.16/include/surface_functions.h: In
function ?void surf1Dread(T*, surface<void, 1>, int, int,
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf1Dreadc1? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf1Dreadc1? must be
error: (if you use ?-fpermissive?, G++ will accept your code, but
allowing the use of an undeclared name is deprecated)
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf1Dreads1? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf1Dreads1? must be
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf1Dreadu1? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf1Dreadu1? must be
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf1Dreadu2? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf1Dreadu2? must be
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf1Dreadu4? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf1Dreadu4? must be
/u/shared/programs/x86_64/nctk/3.2.16/include/surface_functions.h: In
function ?void surf2Dread(T*, surface<void, 2>, int, int, int,
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf2Dreadc1? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf2Dreadc1? must be
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf2Dreads1? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf2Dreads1? must be
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf2Dreadu1? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf2Dreadu1? must be
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf2Dreadu2? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf2Dreadu2? must be
error: there are no arguments to ?__surf2Dreadu4? that depend on a
template parameter, so a declaration of ?__surf2Dreadu4? must be
make: *** [obj/ComputeNonbondedCUDAKernel.o] Error 1

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