From: Chris Chipot (
Date: Thu Jun 24 2010 - 18:23:43 CDT
Dear Navendu,
> As per your last mail, I performed minimization, heating and
> equilibration of the Methane-water system in NPT ensemble (did not
> increase the z-dimension basis vector to 60.)
> This was followed by ABF calculation (increased the z-dim to 60. for
> gas phase) in the NVT ensemble using the .conf file provided in the
> tutorial. The lower and upper wall boundaries
> were set to 0 A and 25 A respectively (files attached). Following
> are the issues/observations from the simulation data :
> 1. Even after equilibration in the NPT ensemble, there is still
> significant box shrinkage in the xy plane.
More than likely because your cubic water box was not properly
> 2. PMF profile (extracted from data in .pmf file) does not match the
> one in tutorial.
For the simple reason that you are using a reaction coordinate
that spans the entire, 25-Å pathway.
There is a rationale for recommending in the tutorial to break
the reaction pathway in five non-overlapping 5-Å windows.
> 3. The lowest PMF value is 0. Should'nt it be negative as in the
> tutorial ?
A free energy is defined up to an integration constant.
> 4. I came across a ABF topic in NAMD forum
> (
> where Dr. Fiorin mentioned that lower and upper wall boundaries need
> to have -ve and +ve values for distanceZ component.
> However, in this tutorial, the values range from 0 to 25 A ?
If the center of mass of your water lamella is (0,0,0), then
your lower and upper bounds should be 0 and 5 Å (if you split
your reaction pathway into windows), 5 and 10 Å, ..., 20 and
25 Å.
Please, read the text of the tutorial carefully.
Chris Chipot
Chris Chipot, Ph.D.
on leave from Nancy Université, CNRS
Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group
Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
405 North Mathews Phone: (217) 244-5711
Urbana, Illinois 61801 Fax: (217) 244-6078
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5.
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