Re: Parameter file problem

From: jose correa (
Date: Tue Mar 30 2010 - 15:29:45 CDT

Dear Udbhav
Have you check that your CHARMM parameter file is in the same folder where
are your protein among other?. If it ok, may be you need to made $ chmod 755
CHARMM parameter file
I hope it helps you
josé correa-basurto

2010/3/30 udbhav ojha <>

> Dear all,
> I am trying to run my simulation for 256 number of argon atoms. however, as
> soon as i run my simulation a fatal error comes " Unable to open CHARMM
> parameter file".
> Kindly guide me through this.
> Regards,
> Udbhav

Ph.D. JOSE CORREA BASURTO Professor of Pharmacology, Department of
Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto
Politécnico Nacional, México. Plan de San Luis Y diaz Mirón S/N, Col. Casco
de Santo Tomas, Mexico city, México. CP: 11340. Tel/Fax; (+5255) 57296000
Ext 62747 and 62767 e:mail: or,

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