Namd not detecting my CUDA enabled GPU

From: nicolabrisotto (
Date: Thu Sep 24 2009 - 11:07:35 CDT

Namd compiled with:
- Ubuntu 9.04
- NAMD 2.7b
- charm 6.1.2

To build charm:
./build charm++ net-linux-x86_64 --no-shared -O -DCMK_OPTIMIZE=1
To build Namd:
./config Linux-x86_64-g++ --charm-arch net-linux-x86_64 --with-cuda

This is the output:
nicola_at_nicola-C:/tmp/NAMD_2.7b1_Source$ ./Linux-x86_64-g++/namd2
Charm++: standalone mode (not using charmrun)
Did not find +devices i,j,k,... argument, defaulting to (pe + 1) % deviceCount
Pe 0 binding to CUDA device 0 on nicola-C: 'GeForce 8400M G' Mem:
127MB Rev: 1.1
FATAL ERROR: CUDA error cudaStreamCreate: no CUDA-capable device is available
------------- Processor 0 Exiting: Called CmiAbort ------------
Reason: FATAL ERROR: CUDA error cudaStreamCreate: no CUDA-capable
device is available

[0] Stack Traceback:
  [0] CmiAbort+0x7e [0x866fbb]
  [1] _Z8NAMD_diePKc+0x56 [0x4ecc76]
  [2] _Z13cuda_errcheckPKc+0x5e [0x5ef86e]
  [3] _Z15cuda_initializePPc+0x149 [0x5ef699]
  [4] _Z8all_initiPPc+0x46 [0x4f5086]
  [5] _Z11master_initiPPc+0x81 [0x4f5121]
  [6] main+0x19 [0x4f11b9]
  [7] __libc_start_main+0xe6 [0x7f24b3ddf5a6]
  [8] ./Linux-x86_64-g++/namd2 [0x4ebef9]
Charm++ fatal error:
FATAL ERROR: CUDA error cudaStreamCreate: no CUDA-capable device is available


I've tested my cuda environment with the example provided in the cuda
SDK and it works.

Best regards,

Nicola Brisotto

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