From: Gianluca Interlandi (
Date: Tue Aug 04 2009 - 16:55:52 CDT
I wouldn't follow that paper since it is probably outdated. But I think
that both values for k in the paper are correct, just different units. It
is 414 pN/A and 10K_BT/A^2 should yield the same if you plug in the values
for the Boltzman constant and temperature.
On Tue, 4 Aug 2009, snoze pa wrote:
> Gianluca, Thank you for your feedback. I am following the right
> tutorial sent also by you but got confused with the paragraph of the
> paper. Also in same paragraph, they mentioned a force constant of 414
> but down eight lines it says k=10K_BT/A^2.
> Regards
> s
> On Tue, Aug 4, 2009 at 1:09 PM, Gianluca
> Interlandi<> wrote:
>> The best is if you go through the tutorial:
>> Section 3, in particular 3.2
>> and read also the documentation:
>> The paper you mentioned is from 1999 and I think that NAMD has been updated
>> since than and SMD is implemented in the code of the later NAMD releases. So
>> doing SMD should be more straightforward now.
>> Gianluca
>> On Tue, 4 Aug 2009, snoze pa wrote:
>>> Dear NAMD/SMD users,
>>> I was going through one of the original paper related to SMD
>>> simulation
>>> from Dr. Schulten group. In this paper at page 455, first paragraph
>>> they are discussing about the restrain point movement as
>>> "To realize a movement of the restraining point with nearly constant
>>> velocity, the position of the restraining point was changed every 100
>>> fs by v t, e.g., 0.05 Å. The 0.05 Å stepwise movement of the
>>> restraining point is much smaller than the fluctuation of typical
>>> protein atoms in a 300 K MD simulation, 1 Å, so this implementation
>>> should not cause an artifact. "
>>> How can we set this "the position of the restraining point was changed
>>> every 100 fs by v t" automatically in the NAMD configuration file. I
>>> will highly appreciate your help. I am using standard SMD tutorial
>>> code from
>>> NAMD website. Any script contribution will be of great help.
>>> Thank you,
>>> S
>> -----------------------------------------------------
>> Gianluca Interlandi, PhD
>> +1 (206) 685 4435
>> +1 (206) 714 4303
>> Postdoc at the Department of Bioengineering
>> at the University of Washington, Seattle WA U.S.A.
>> -----------------------------------------------------
Gianluca Interlandi, PhD
+1 (206) 685 4435
+1 (206) 714 4303
Postdoc at the Department of Bioengineering
at the University of Washington, Seattle WA U.S.A.
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