Problem namd2 and mpich2

From: sudipta (
Date: Mon Jun 08 2009 - 01:40:58 CDT

Hi All,

       I have compiled with NAMD with MPICH2 on a x86_64 eight node cluster.
After the compilation some warnings came without any error. The namd2 is
working fine if I don't write the output data in a log file i,e on screen
it doesn't show any error.

The sequence of commands that I have used to run the namd2 are

I have selected only the master node in mpd.hosts file and it contain 8 core

1. mpdboot -r ssh -n 1 -f mpd.hosts

2. mpiexec -n 8 ./namd2 barstar89.conf > barstar89.log
mpirun -n 8 ./namd2 barstar89.conf > barstar89.log

The following error messages were coming:

Info: Initial time: 8 CPUs 0.0434657 s/step 0.503075 days/ns 45.5742 MB
memory (handle_stdin_input 1089): stdin problem; if pgm
is run in background, redirect from /dev/null (handle_stdin_input 1090): e.g.: mpiexec -n 4
a.out < /dev/null & (handle_stdin_input 1089): stdin problem; if pgm
is run in background, redirect from /dev/null (handle_stdin_input 1090): e.g.: mpiexec -n 4
a.out < /dev/null & (handle_stdin_input 1089): stdin problem; if pgm
is run in background, redirect from /dev/null (handle_stdin_input 1090): e.g.: mpiexec -n 4
a.out < /dev/null & (handle_stdin_input 1089): stdin problem; if pgm
is run in background, redirect from /dev/null (handle_stdin_input 1090): e.g.: mpiexec -n 4
a.out < /dev/null &

Can you please give any suggestions, how shall I rectify this problem. I am
egar for your early reply.

Thanks and regards

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