Re: Fw: NAMD 2.7b1 running problem

From: Matteo Rotter (
Date: Thu May 21 2009 - 03:30:06 CDT

if you are working only on local machine you can use the ++local
option after +p8.
Otherwise you must create a .nodelist file in your home directory with
the name of your hosts. The first line of this file should be "group
main ++shell ssh" to tell namd to use ssh instead of rsh.
for more informations look at the notes.txt file in NAMD directory.

regards matteo


> you shoule make sure that rsh server or ssh server on you
> machine,and can login as
> rsh/ssh without passwd。
> for rsh
> login in as root,and type:
> #rpm -qa|grep rsh-server
> if losed: find a rsh-server-***.rpm, and install it.
> then, please refer:
> for ssh
> the same as rsh,
> and then, login in csh,and type:
> set CONV_RSH ssh
> and then,enjoy namd
> good luck
> ------------------------------------------------
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> ┈ ﹎ ┈ ┈ .o .. ○
> -------------- Original Message --------------
> Dear all,
> I have some probems when I was running namd2.7 b1. I run namd on
> local machines with 8 processores. The command I use and the err
> messages are as follows:
> charmrun +p8 namd2 conf files > out files
> 燑/div>
> connect to address port 544: Connection refused
> Trying krb4 rsh...
> connect to address port 544: connect to address
> port 544: Connection refused
> Trying krb4 rsh...
> Connection refused
> trying normal rsh (/usr/bin/rsh)
> connect to address port 544: Connection refused
> trying normal rsh (/usr/bin/rsh)
> 燑/div>
> Is爐here anybody else who has similar problems? I appreciate if
> anybody can provide爏uggestions. Thank you.
> 燑/div>
> 燑/div>
> Best,
> Wenchang

SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - CSIT -Universita' di Udine

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