Re: vmd-l: GTP topology file

From: Peter Freddolino (
Date: Fri Mar 20 2009 - 12:03:01 CDT

Hi Tiziano,
the toppar_all27_na_nad_ppi.str included with charmm topology/parameter
distributions has an entry for ATP. You should be able to combine it
with the GUA topology to get what you need without too much trouble (see
your topology file tutorial if you have any trouble).

By the way, generally it is preferred to only choose one of VMD-L and
NAMD-L to post questions on; if you absolutely must cross-post, at least
do so with the same email.


tiziano gallo cassarino wrote:
> hello,
> I'm a student in Bioinformatics, I need the topology file for GTP in
> order to create the PSF file of RAS (with GTP), using VMD, and to run MD
> simulations with NAMD. I searched on the web this file but I did not
> find it. Have anyone this file or can tell me where to find it?
> Many thanks
> Tiziano

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