From: harish vashisth (
Date: Fri Mar 06 2009 - 23:28:30 CST
Hi Peter,Thanks a lot for this prompt reply. Yes, i have an account only on
XT5. I don't see any XT4 machine even on TeraGrid user portal resources
Please let me know where i can look for on XT5 machine if there is any
successful build and job submission script.
On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 12:12 AM, Peter Freddolino <>wrote:
> Hi Harish,
> Jim is currently working on building for the XT5. If you're talking about
> the XT4, try /nics/b/home/jphillip/NAMD_scripts/runbatch
> Peter
> harish vashisth wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am not sure if it is the right place to ask---but, is there someone who
>> is running NAMD2.6 on kraken successfully? I would like to know the location
>> of NAMDv2.6 on KRAKEN and also any job submission scripts someone can share.
>> I looked into kraken's website and they say using "module load namd" command
>> but I see nothing explicit about where is the location of built 'namd2'
>> binary or how to use in detail this module stuff......I have tried using
>> following job submission scripts as pasted below where the job goes into the
>> queue but dies immediately saying--can not locate 'mpirun' or command not
>> found....
>> I would appreciate any help.
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #!/bin/bash
>> #PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=8
>> #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
>> # name of this job
>> #PBS -N kraken
>> # the queue to submit my job to
>> #PBS -q medium
>> # Account to charge
>> #PBS -A TG-MCB070073N
>> cd /nics/d/home/hl332/pmf_t/smd_sec0
>> /sw/xt5/namd/2.6/cnl2.1_pgi7.2.5_debug/bin/charmrun +p16
>> /sw/xt5/namd/2.6/cnl2.1_pgi7.2.5_debug/bin/namd2 smd.conf > v.log
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> #!/bin/tcsh
>> if ( $# != 3 ) then
>> echo "This script requires three arguments:"
>> echo " NAMD input file"
>> echo " NAMD log file"
>> echo " number of nodes"
>> exit -1
>> endif
>> set CONFFILE = $1
>> set LOGFILE = $2
>> set NUMNODES = $3
>> if ( ! -f $CONFFILE) then
>> echo "NAMD input file $CONFFILE does not exist!"
>> exit -1
>> endif
>> if ( -f $LOGFILE) then
>> echo "NAMD input file $LOGFILE already exists!"
>> exit -1
>> endif
>> set RUNDIR = `pwd`
>> echo "Submitting NAMD run to batch queue..."
>> echo ""
>> # Run in a batch queue
>> #cat << ENDINPUT
>> qsub -q medium -V -j oe -N runbatch -l
>> walltime=24:00:00,nodes=${NUMNODES}:ppn=8 << ENDINP
>> UT
>> #!/bin/tcsh
>> cd $RUNDIR
>> echo \$PBS_NODEFILE
>> set NP = \`awk 'END {print NR}' \$PBS_NODEFILE\`
>> echo \$NP
>> #PBS -A TG-MCB070073N
>> mpirun -machinefile \$PBS_NODEFILE -np \$NP
>> /sw/xt5/namd/2.6/cnl2.1_pgi7.2.5_debug/bin/nam
>> setenv MPICH_PTL_UNEX_EVENTS 80000
>> echo ""
>> echo "NAMD is submitted to the queue, to check on your job use this
>> command:"
>> echo ""
>> echo " qstat -u $USER"
>> echo ""
>> echo "Your job is running if there is an R (running) in the S (state)
>> column."
>> echo "Once the job has started you may monitor progress with this
>> command:"
>> echo ""
>> echo " tail -f $LOGFILE"
>> echo ""
>> echo "You will need to press Control-C to exit the tail command."
>> echo ""
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Regards,
>> -Harish
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