From: Philipp Schön (
Date: Fri Aug 03 2007 - 02:36:19 CDT
Dear Users
I changed the source code in order to apply a constant temperature gradient across a surface. In doing so I add an additional part (=> see /* THIS PART IS NEW */ below) to the subroutine langevinVelocities for all atoms with i < 1000.
However, there is no effect on the simulation, i.e. on the temperature profile! At least something should change to all atoms between 0 and 1000 when running these lines? Do the atom counter ( int i = 0; i < numAtoms; ++i ) coincide with the integer given in the pdb file or can it change during run time? If it changes how can I assign a certain temperature to certain atoms?
Thanks for any help.
void Sequencer::langevinVelocities(BigReal dt_fs)
if ( simParams->langevinOn )
FullAtom *a = patch->atom.begin();
int numAtoms = patch->numAtoms;
Molecule *molecule = Node::Object()->molecule;
BigReal dt = dt_fs * 0.001; // convert to ps
BigReal kbT = BOLTZMAN*(simParams->langevinTemp);
int lesReduceTemp = simParams->lesOn && simParams->lesReduceTemp;
BigReal tempFactor = lesReduceTemp ? 1.0 / simParams->lesFactor : 1.0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numAtoms; ++i )
int aid = a[i].id;
BigReal f1 = exp( -1. * dt * molecule->langevin_param(aid) );
BigReal f2 = sqrt( ( 1. - f1*f1 ) * kbT *
( a[i].partition ? tempFactor : 1.0 ) / a[i].mass );
a[i].velocity *= f1;
a[i].velocity += f2 * random->gaussian_vector();
if (i < 1000)
int aid = a[i].id;
BigReal f1 = exp( -1. * dt * molecule->langevin_param(aid) );
BigReal f2 = sqrt( ( 1. - f1*f1 ) * (BOLTZMAN * 1000.0) *
( a[i].partition ? tempFactor : 1.0 ) / a[i].mass );
a[i].velocity *= f1;
a[i].velocity += f2 * random->gaussian_vector();
/* IBLATH_2 => END */
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