Re: compiling NAMD on an elan-linux-ia64 arch

From: Peter Freddolino (
Date: Fri Apr 13 2007 - 21:33:32 CDT

Hi Vlad,
You may want to ask on the charm mailing list (see unless someone else
here has an idea. It sounds like your elan libraries may be out of date,
but I don't have any experience with the platform so I'm not sure. Sorry
I can't help more.

Vlad Cojocaru wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Thanks for your answer ..... I did follow that recipe step-by-step ....
> However one problem it was that the intel 7.1 compilers are not
> available anymore on the system ... So, I tried 8.1 and that's when I
> got the errors ..
> Alessandro mentioned in that email that he was successful with 8.1
> following the same steps ....
> cheers
> vlad
> Peter Freddolino wrote:
>> Hi Vlad,
>> I'm not familiar with the elan compile target, but you might want to
>> have a look at the changes to your Make.charm file suggested in the
>> thread at
>> Peter
>> Vlad Cojocaru wrote:
>>> Dear NAMD users,
>>> I am trying to compile NAMD on a "elan-linux-ia64" architecture using
>>> intel 8.1 compilers ..
>>> build charm++ works fine but as I go to test it I get the error below.
>>> Does anybody have any idea how to fix this?
>>> Thanks a lot
>>> vlad
>>> ../../../bin/charmc -o pgm megatest.o groupring.o nodering.o
>>> varsizetest.o varraystest.o groupcast.o nodecast.o synctest.o fib.o
>>> arrayring.o tempotest.o packtest.o queens.o migration.o marshall.o
>>> priomsg.o priotest.o rotest.o statistics.o templates.o inherit.o
>>> reduction.o callback.o immediatering.o bitvector.o -languagecharm++
>>> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_unpin_region'
>>> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `_elan4_alloc_cmdq'
>>> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_pin_region'
>>> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_remote_setevent_eop'
>>> /usr/lib/ undefined reference to `elan4_sendqueue_pkt'
>>> Fatal Error by charmc in directory
>>> /home/cojocaru/software/NAMD_2.6_Source/charm-5.9/elan-linux-ia64-ifort-icc/tests/charm++/megatest
>>> Command icpc -i_dynamic -rdynamic -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -o pgm
>>> -L../../../bin/../lib -I../../../bin/../include
>>> ../../../bin/../lib/libldb-rand.o megatest.o groupring.o nodering.o
>>> varsizetest.o varraystest.o groupcast.o nodecast.o synctest.o fib.o
>>> arrayring.o tempotest.o packtest.o queens.o migration.o marshall.o
>>> priomsg.o priotest.o rotest.o statistics.o templates.o inherit.o
>>> reduction.o callback.o immediatering.o bitvector.o moduleinit29062.o
>>> ../../../bin/../lib/libmemory-default.o
>>> ../../../bin/../lib/libthreads-default.o -lck -lconv-cplus-y -lconv-core
>>> -lconv-util -lckqt -lelan -ldl -lm returned error code 1
>>> charmc exiting...
>>> make: *** [pgm] Error 1
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
> EML Research gGmbH
> Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
> 69118 Heidelberg
> Tel: ++49-6221-533266
> Fax: ++49-6221-533298
> e-mail:Vlad.Cojocaru[at]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> EML Research gGmbH
> Amtgericht Mannheim / HRB 337446
> Managing Partner: Dr. h.c. Klaus Tschira
> Scientific and Managing Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Reuter
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