Re: It doesn't work with using amber files.

From: Vlad Cojocaru (
Date: Thu Mar 29 2007 - 07:46:19 CDT


Please use an AMBER topology file created with Leap and not a PREP file
... PREP files are NOT topology files, they do not contain force field
information ...!!


Hidekazu WATANABE wrote:

> Hi, everyone.
> i'd like to ask a very basic question of you.
> I want to use an amber parameter file for NAMD simulation,
> but the program doesn't work.
> The configuration file is written as follows:
> ========
> amber yes
> ambercoor ./
> parmfile ./r800.prepin
> ========
> "" is a PDB format file,
> and "r800.prepin" is amber PREP file.
> Is the file of Sybyl Mol2 type, "r800.mol2" also needed?
> Please show me how to let NAMD program read the amber parameter files.
> These three files are attached to this E-mail.

Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
EML Research gGmbH
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69118 Heidelberg
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