From: Morad Alawneh (
Date: Thu Mar 02 2006 - 13:25:39 CST
Morad Alawneh
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Provo, UT 84602
Morad, you will have to use a tcl script that follows the ions and applies forces to them if they get close to the area that you are interested in. i think that there is a template script somewhere on the NAMD website which does this for water molecules in the membrane interface. if you can't find it, i will send you a script. -michael On Mar 2, 2006, at 9:39 AM, Morad Alawneh wrote: <excerpt><bold><bigger><bigger><bigger>Dear everyone,</bigger></bigger></bigger></bold> <bold><bigger><bigger><bigger> I would like to use excluded spherical harmonic restraint in restraining number of ions to be a way from this sphere through umbrella sampling simulation, the only thing I found in the manual is Spherical Periodic Boundary, which is not helpful.</bigger></bigger></bigger></bold> <bold><bigger><bigger><bigger> Does anyone have any idea how to do that?</bigger></bigger></bigger></bold> <bold><bigger><bigger><bigger> Thanks</bigger></bigger></bigger></bold>
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