This is the complete list of members for GromacsTopFile, including all inherited members.
getAngle(int num, int *atomi, int *atomj, int *atomk, int *angletype) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getAngleParams(int num, Real *th0, Real *kth, int *funct) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getAtom(int num, int *residue_number, char *residue_name, char *atom_name, char *atom_type, int *atom_typenum, Real *charge, Real *mass) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getAtomParams(int num, char *type) const | GromacsTopFile | inline |
getBond(int num, int *atomi, int *atomj, int *bondtype) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getBondParams(int num, Real *b0, Real *kB, int *funct) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getDihedral(int num, int *atomi, int *atomj, int *atomk, int *atoml, int *type) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getDihedralParams(int num, Real *c, int *mult, int *funct) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getExclusions(int *, int *) const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumAngleParams() const | GromacsTopFile | inline |
getNumAngles() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumAtomParams() const | GromacsTopFile | inline |
getNumAtoms() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumBondParams() const | GromacsTopFile | inline |
getNumBonds() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumDihedralParams() const | GromacsTopFile | inline |
getNumDihedrals() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumExclusions() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumGaussPair() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumLJPair() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getNumPair() const | GromacsTopFile | |
getPairGaussArrays2(int *indexA, int *indexB, Real *gaussA, Real *gaussMu1, Real *gaussSigma1, Real *gaussMu2, Real *gaussSigma2, Real *gaussRepulsive) | GromacsTopFile | |
getPairLJArrays2(int *indexA, int *indexB, Real *pairC6, Real *pairC12) | GromacsTopFile | |
getSystemName() const | GromacsTopFile | inline |
getVDWParams(int typea, int typeb, Real *c6, Real *c12, Real *c6pair, Real *c7) const | GromacsTopFile | |
GromacsTopFile(char *filename) | GromacsTopFile |