BioCoRE's dynamic progress and status reporting tool is used to
document details on respective and changing tasks and
responsibilities during a given project life, significant
accomplishments along the way, anticipated completion dates and
other pertinent information. Among other benefits, the BioCoRE dynamic
reporting tool helps the team to easily determine the organization,
progress and status of the project at any given time.
The Dynamic Progress and Status Report section gives a description of what project members are currently working on, and what they have planned for the future. These pages can give a good indication on the current state of the project and where it is headed. The sections that you can modify include Schedules, which can be used to give a list of upcoming tasks and plans for the future. Another section is the user's Current Task. It lets the user describe what task he's currently working on, so that others may see it in the Project Summary.
From his own entry in the "Users logged in" table in the Summary Page, Bob updates his Status Report to reflect his current task.
Later, Wanda, a Principal Investigator for the group, logs into BioCoRE from a conference in Washington. She goes to the "Current Tasks" page to see what everyone has been working on while she has been gone. She sees that Bob has joined as a new member, and notes his current task.