The BioFS is a database-managed filesystem that resides on the BioCoRE server. It is accessible via the web and is shared among everyone in a project. A user can work with files located in the BioFS without worrying about where the files are physically located. You can click on a PDB file and BioCoRE will automatically move the file to your machine and let you view the file using JMV or other molecular viewers.
Bob writes up a summary of the results he found from running his job. He'd like to share these results with the rest of the group, so he adds it to BioCoRE's filesystem, or BioFS. He goes to the project's Filesystem page, and clicks the "Upload File" button, selects the file, and uploads it to the Filesystem. It is then stored for others to view. Ann takes a look at it, and has a few things she'd like to add. She edits the file with her changes, and the file is updated.
Ann finds a PDF of a paper that she'd like to add to the BioFS. She can add the file to the BioFS by using a WebDAV folder that looks just like a local folder on her computer.