DI Practice & GENERAL MEETING Wednesday!

From: caitlin marguerite weigel (cweigel@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Date: Wed Oct 06 1999 - 14:19:29 CDT

Dear Dancing Illini:

Want to dance better? Take a break from fighting with your partner, clear
your schedule, and come to the DI GENERAL PRACTICE from 9:30-11 pm on
Wednesday, October 6 at the REGENT BALLROOM.

There will be a general meeting around 10:30 pm!

For those of you who want to learn new exciting moves, review old ones, or
brush up on technique. . . All styles of INSTRUCTIONAL DANCE VIDEOS are
available for only $2 per week (donation), plus a $20 deposit. The VIDEO
LIBRARY is open from 10 to 10:15 pm DI Wednesday night practices. For
a look at our full catalog, see http://www.uiuc.edu/ro/dancing/videos.html

For additional practice, social interaction, and fun, come to the FRIDAY
NIGHT DANCE held every week at the Regent from 8-11 pm.

There will be SALSA from 11:30 pm to 1:30 am on Friday at the Regent!


This Saturday, October 9, is the Dancing Illini Skating Party. We will
skate from 1:30 to 4 pm at the U of I Ice Arena.

Also. . . The DI Dinner/Dance for Fall 99 is on Friday, October 29.
Beginning at 6 pm is the dinner at Yen Ching (on Cunningham), then, from 8
to 11 pm, come dance at the Regent. (You pay for your dinner, and the DI
pays for your admission to the Regent.) And don't forget to wear your
Halloween costume!

An e-mail was sent out to DI Official on 9/24 with more detailed
information on these October events.


Caitlin Weigel

Dancing Illini Secretary

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