New Dancing Illini Vienneze Waltz Course (Starting Monday!)

Jim Phillips (
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 10:20:09 -0600

Hello Dancers,

The Dancing Illini is pleased to present an additional four-week course:


Mondays 8:00-9:30 pm in 310 Freer Gym
Starting November 9 and running til the end of the semester.
Volunteer instructor: Regina Pareigis
Cost: $10 plus dues/fees ($5/$10 paid only once per semester)
*** Some prior waltz experience is strongly recommended. ***
*** Try it out free; pay at the end of your first class. ***

This is in addition to the two previously announced courses:

BEGINNER RUEDA (a partner-passing form of salsa)

Tuesdays 6:15-7:45 pm in 310 Freer Gym
Starting immediately and running til the end of the semester.
Volunteer instructor: Cory Tsang
Cost: $10 plus dues/fees ($5/$10 paid only once per semester)
Beginners welcome - no experience required - just show up.
*** Try it out free; pay at the end of your first class. ***


Thursdays 6:15-7:45 pm in 310 Freer Gym
Starting immediately and running til the end of the semester.
Volunteer instructors: Jon DeGuzman and Tanja Hodges
Cost: $10 plus dues/fees ($5/$10 paid only once per semester)
Beginners welcome - no experience required - just show up.
*** Try it out free; pay at the end of your first class. ***