Dance Hygiene

regina danute pareigis (pareigis@STUDENTS.UIUC.EDU)
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 12:03:18 -0500

Hi everyone,

It's starting to cool off and cold and flu season is right around the
corner. Therefore, I wanted to remind people about basic dance hygiene
and courtesy.

*sniff* *sniff*
"Is that me or you? Where are those pesky breath mints?"

In general, if you've been exercising or have been involved in some
strenuous activity, you will want to shower and/or use deodorant before
coming to class or social dance. Of course, dance is an athletic
activity, but you want to start fresh and clean and with some deodorant in
case you know that you might cultivate a strong aroma :) There aren't
many people around who will tell you if you are, so you need to be aware
of this for yourself. Another common courtesy is to brush your teeth
before dancing as well. Use mouthwash or even a breath mint.

*cough* *sniff* *wheeze*
" I coming down with something?" *Achoo!*
"Well, I think I can make it through the class for tonight."

If you feel as if you might be coming down with a cold or know for sure
that you have one, remember that colds are often communicated via touch.
If you are sick, please do not dance at class, or possibly wear gloves
while dancing. Dances can be a breeding ground for colds since there is a
chance that you might infect each partner that you dance with (which, in
class, is half the class), and each person whom you infect can, in turn,
infect those that they dance with. I know that dancing is a lot of fun
and it is hard to resist good music and friends, but please be kind to
your fellow dancers.

Tips for avoiding catching colds through dance: Wash your hands after
class with warm, soapy water and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth
during class. Free flu shots for students are also available from the
McKinley Health Center.

If you keep in mind these simple courtesies, dancing can be fun for

Regina Pareigis
President of the Dancing Illini, 98-99