Annual Dessert Party --Saturday 12/6--- You're invited!

From: Tanja Hodges (
Date: Mon Nov 24 2003 - 17:05:12 CST

  • Next message: Tanja Hodges: "Dessert Party, Saturday 12/6 (please come)"

    It is the Annual DI Dessert Party

    Hosted by Mary Sue and Tom Shay

    Come out and join us for a dessert party at the Shay's. The club will provide some appetizers and non-alcoholic drinks.  You can bring a dessert or finger food to share, and a friend to share it with.

    When: Saturday, December 6, 2003, at 7:30 p.m
    Where: 917 West Daniel St. Champaign (2 blocks south of Green, 1st block west
                  of Prospect. If you get lost, just give us a ring at 356-7413)
    Why: To celebrate with friends, have some great food, and have lots of fun.

    Can’t cook or get to the store?  Don’t worry about it.  Please, come anyway.  There is always plenty to eat.

    Can you bring more than one friend?  Yes, you can.  It’s a party---the more the merrier.

    Need a ride to the party? E-mail - one of us will come to pick you up.  So mark those calendars and please join us for the fun.

    Hope to see you there!


    p.s. Dress in your casual jeans or in your festive holiday attire.  We aren’t picky.  When possible, our hosts would prefer that we leave our shoes at the door.  This is an excellent chance to show off those fancy holiday socks, or don your comfy slippers.


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