Summer 2003 Meeting Minutes

From: Tanja Hodges (incognita1@HOTMAIL.COM)
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 12:29:18 CDT

  • Next message: Tanja Hodges: "International classes at the Regent Start Friday"

    Dancing Illini Officer's Meeting
    August 7, 2003               6:47 p.m.
    Krannert Opera Rehearsal Room

    Officers and chairpersons present:  Pleasant, Tanja, Jeremy, Gwendolyn, Erin, Tanya, Ron, Janice Erika, Jonne'
    Guest:  Ken, Possible workshop teacher

    Tanja passed out the meeting's agenda  We have $950 in checks that need  to be deposited.  We need to order a rubber stamp to use when we make deposits.

    Water slide and pizza party is planned for Sunday, August 17 at Sholem Pool in Champaign.  For more information check with Janice.

    We agreed that the summer teachers will be paid even though we had! a $465 deficit in the budget.

    In the fall we will keep the payment for classes the same as the summer.

    Quad Day is August 26 from 10 am  - 2 pm. We thought that using giveaways for dance classes may encourage more people to come and try the classes out.  Erin will check with Lisa Hoppe to see if she has the Dancing Illini Banner.

    We talked about changing the schedule of classes by offering the same class for 12 weeks.  In the fall for the beginner classes we would have salsa - night club 2 step and waltz - rumba.  In the spring we would follow with cha-cha - tango and swing - hustle.  Workshops (suggestions - rueda, samba, west coast swing, polka, Viennese waltz, paseo and bolero) would complete the other half of the evening.  Intermediate classes would be taught a! ! t the Regent by Loretta Spencer, starting September 5 for 10 weeks for $80 each.  (5:15 - 6:15 pm  waltz-tango and 6:30 - 7:30 pm rumba-jive)  Tanja will talk to Dave about making this class more affordable for students.

    Jeremy noted that we had good retention of students in the summer classes despite our different class locations.  Students enjoyed having the teachers dance with them and providing help before and after class.

    The group decided to have Lindy Workshops with Chris Martin after the October competition.

    Tanya Baltsevitch was nominated for the position of secretary and Erica Whorley for social chair.

    Respectfully submitted by N. Jonné Brown          

    Phone:  217-244-3814
    University of Illinois          Fax:  217-244-4974
    1308 W. Green St.  MC-272
    Urbana, IL  61801


    Dancing Illini General Meeting                                          August 7, 2003
    Krannert Opera Rehearsal Room
    25 members present    8:42 pm

    Unanimously approved the summer budget and proposed new class schedule.

    The fall beginning classes will be offered for 12 weeks and we will have workshops (2 weeks in length) in place of the intermediate classes.  The intermediate classes will be taught at the Regent on Friday evening by Loretta Spencer for 10 weeks, starting on September 5.

    The 15th Annual Dancing Illini Competition will be held on Saturday, October 11, 2003.

    Tanya Baltsevitch was elected secretary and Thu Pham, publicity co-chair.  We still have social chair, teaching chair, and education co-chair positions to fill.

    Passes out flyers for the water slide and pizza party on Sunday, August 17 at the Sholem Pool in Champaign.

    Respectfully Submitted by N. Jonné Brown         

    Phone:  217-244-3814
    University of Illinois          Fax:  217-244-4974
    1308 W. Green St.  MC-272
    Urbana, IL  61801


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