Dancing Illini, Minutes of General Meeting

From: jeffrey minh tran (jmtran@students.uiuc.edu)
Date: Sun Dec 09 2001 - 11:01:17 CST

Minutes of the General Meeting of the Dancing Illini, Saturday September

At 10:30 pm, the meeting was called. Lynn Milewski moderated, as decided
at the Officers meeting of December 2nd.

To ensure compliance with RSO regulations, non members were asked to leave
the meeting. A sign up sheet was passed around so that members could enter
their names. The Secretary verified the membership status of the

The first order of business was a debate and vote on removal of Aleksandar
Ivanovic from the office of President, as requested at the last officer's

The relevant section of the constitution was read to the membership:

Section 6. Recall of Officers.
At any Dancing Illini meeting, any member may request that any officer be
removed from office. At the next meeting, the first order of business
shall be the discussion of the recall, where the officer will be allowed
to present a defense. Then a roll call vote or secret ballot of all voting
members present shall be taken. If a two-thirds majority of the voting
members votes to remove the officer, then the officer shall vacate his or
her position immediately.

The format was: Ten minutes for those requesting his removal. Ten minutes
for Alex's defense. Three minute rebutal for both sides, then a secret
ballot. A two thirds majority was required to remove the President.

Madame Moderator timed the proceedings.

In support of the removal of the President, Jeremy detailed events in
which he believed the President had harmed the club.

In support of the removal of the President, Janice described the
leadership qualities which the club needs. She stated that the current
President lacked these qualities, but that the club had continued to run
smoothly thanks to the efforts of the other officers.

The President was not present at the meeting, so was unable to make a
defense. The floor was opened for comments in support of the President. In
this time, comments were made about sucessful club events from the past
semester, arguments that the President would likely make if he were
president, and things that the President had done well.

After asking for any additional comments from the officers and members,
the Moderator closed the debate and passed out ballots.

It was explained that the vote was for the removal of Alex from the office
of President, not for his removal from the club. Nor did the vote place
any permanant sactions on Alex, such as restrictions from running for
future office.

The moderator collected the ballots for counting. A non officer member was
asked to volunteer to participate in the counting.

Seventeen (17) votes were collected. Seventeen (17) votes were in favor of
removing the President. Zero (0) votes were opposed to removing the

Aleksandar Ivanovic was vacated from the office of President.

Vice President Lynn Milewski assumed the office of President.

The office of the Vice President is vacant. The position will be filled at
a future meeting. Interested student members are invited to contact any
current officers. Nominations of eligible members will be accepted at the
next general meeting.

Two unbudgeted expenditures were submitted to the membership for approval.
The expenditures were approved by oral vote.

The meeting was adjourned in favor of music and dancing.

Jeffrey Tran
Dancing Illini

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