DI Class Ad -- Intermediate Tango & Waltz

From: Lisa Hoppe (ldhoppe@yahoo.com)
Date: Mon Jan 29 2001 - 09:22:03 CST


Thought we might entice you into joining the Intermediate Tango & Waltz
class starting February 1 (Thursday) at 8:45pm-10:00pm at 310 Freer.

First, my partner, Hilary Frooman, will be assisting with the
so you will get the woman's point-of-view and insight into dancing as
well as my own.

Second, we will be teaching some interesting steps. You should already

know some of these steps from a beginning level course. We will teach
everything once, so if you've had at least one waltz, foxtrot, tango,
quickstep course before, come try us out. Here are the steps we
plan on covering - steps with an * in front of them are taught in many
beginning classes in waltz or tango:

  *natural turn
  *right-to-left closed change
  *reverse turn
  *left-to-right closed change
  natural hesitation
  chasse' to the right
  back change to promenade
  chasse' from promenade to closed
  natural spin turn
  back right-to-left closed change
  1/2 reverse turn
  reverse corte'
  back wisk
  chasse' from wisk to closed

  *closed promenade
  *reverse turn (outside partner) with closed finish
  walk to reverse rock turn
  right lunge with rock recovery
  back tango close
  four step
  natural rock turn with closed finish
  side steps
  spanish drag with promenade ending
  promenade link

Third, we will teach a bit of how to dance, including
  attitude (tango needs attitude)
  flow (waltz needs flow)
  dancing with another person

Last, we will give you the opportunity to dance a group tango in
front of a crowd - at the tango society's benefit for the UPD Tango
statue on March 3. No, you don't have to, but if you like to perform
this is a chance to show off a few of your skills, and it is all for
a good cause. We are looking for a crowd of people to act like club
dancers in Paris, shortly after tango was introduced. We also need
a few polka dancers for another number.

Hope to see you Thursday night!

-- Hilary Frooman & Bruce Leasure

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